Padel tennis row in leafy Birmingham street as neighbours fear 'Gunfight at the OK Corral'-style racket

Google Maps street view of the entrance to Sutton Coldfield Tennis Club in Highbridge Road

Nearby residents have objected to a plan to build new courts for the ‘fastest growing sport in the world’ at a Birmingham sports club. Neighbours of Sutton Coldfield Tennis Club in Highbridge Road said they feared a plan to build three new floodlit padel tennis courts would leave them facing a daily barrage of ‘gunshot-like noises’ from the fast-rising UK sport.

Padel tennis is like a cross between squash and tennis and is played on smaller courts, which are enclosed with glass walls. The residents claim games played as doubles matches, with four on a court at a time, could lead to ‘bang, bang, bang’ noises being heard from courts.

The courts would replace an existing lawn tennis court, with two more being moved.


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The plan also includes a proposal for new LED lighting from 6.7-metre floodlights. The proposal is to operate the new courts from 8am to 9pm seven-days-a-week.

But neighbouring residents in Birmingham Road raised objections. Their primary concern is the noise and impact on their homes, plus for neighbours at two neighbouring care facilities, Roxton Nursing Home and the Sutton Park Grange 'luxury care home' in the same road.

A couple who have lived on the road for decades said the Sutton club was not the place for padel tennis, having seen the sport first-hand in Spain. Janice Baker, 85, said: “The plan is to build three padel tennis courts close to our back garden. The boundary of our garden will be 18 metres away.

“At the moment there are three tennis courts, and that’s fine. But my son lives in Spain and he can hear the padel tennis inside his house and he doesn’t live close to the courts. These will be much nearer to us. And I have seen it played in Spain. My grandson loves it. But it’s loud.”

'It’s like a gun - Bang, bang, bang, bang'

Janice continued: “The balls don’t go from one to another, but they go up and off the wall. It’s a wooden bat, not a racquet. It’s like a gun. Bang, bang, bang, bang. It makes such a din. It’s ridiculous.


“And when they play padel, two couples play. So more players.

“We had a meeting with them [the club]. We have asked if they could have the padel courts elsewhere on the site, but they have said they can only get two in there, not three. There will also be an increase in courts from three lawn tennis courts to five courts in total.

“I wouldn’t be able to open our window in the summer. There’s no way we could do that. And we wouldn’t be able to hear the telly. It will be high too. Like an Amazon warehouse at the back of our house.

“Don’t forget we have two old people’s nursing homes here and one is pretty close. They should only be able to put padel courts where there’s a big space. I don’t think they should be given permission.”

Janice’s husband John, said: “Padel is a hateful noise. My son’s home in Spain has a court nearby and they detest it. They call it the gun range because of the noise.


“It’ll be like the Gunfight at the OK Corral around here if they get permission. What a terrible way to treat old and sick people.”

A satellite plan view of Sutton Coldfield Tennis Club
The proposal is to replace the bottom of the three courts pictured in blue on the satellite image of Sutton Coldfield Tennis Club, with three padel courts, under a 10.5-metre canopy, with the other two blue courts rotated 90 degrees -Credit:Google

'It’s really going to be horrendous'

Mike Deeley, 74, whose property backs on to the tennis club, said he moved to the house specifically for the club. He said: “We moved here in 2000 and the kids were young. We joined the tennis club and it was great. We really had a great time.

“I bought this to be next to a tennis club. But the padel courts are going to be really intrusive. The noise pollution is going to be the biggest problem. We have our gardens, a small copse at the back and then the tennis club.

“I have played padel tennis. It’s not so much the light, it’s the noise. The bats are harder, the balls are harder. It’s high impact. A quick sport. Smaller than a tennis court. The rallies are much more intense.


“The impact of bat and ball and off the side is like a bang. We can sit outside and listen to the tennis. That’s fine. But it’s completely different with padel tennis.

“With three courts there will be 12 players. If they have this there’s going to be tournaments. It’s a growing sport. I get it’s a commercial thing for them. But it’s been knocked back in a number of places because of the noise pollution.”

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Fellow Birmingham Road resident, Jason Kerrigan, said: “This is a disgraceful way for any organisation to behave. Utterly entitled, dismissively arrogant and extraordinarily oblivious to the plight of elderly people. They will ruin lives with this project and, having been told as such but charging on regardless, they are demonstrating that they just don’t care.”

Wylde Green city councillor Alex Yip (Con) said: “I have spoken to the applicants and the residents and I am supporting both sides on what their rights are.”

'It's the fastest-growing sport in the world & needs to be part of our offering'

Peter Whatson, club secretary at Sutton Coldfield Tennis Club, said: “This is a really exciting development for the club which will also bring great benefits to the wider community. The club recently celebrated its centenary having been formed in 1922. Over the years, we have made many improvements to the facilities including additional courts, indoor courts and the clubhouse.

“All the courts are now floodlit with many of these lights dating back 40 years - somewhat longer than most of our neighbours have lived here. As a sports club we have to work hard and continually look forward to ensure our future viability and it is vital we remain relevant.

“There's no doubt padel tennis is the fastest-growing sport in the world and it needs to be a part of our offering, offsetting the decline in squash and tennis membership over recent years. We currently have one uncovered padel court which was installed seven years ago in 2017 with members and the wider public often unable to get a slot."

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He continued: “A dedicated acoustic survey of the site has been undertaken which concludes the level and character of the noise from use of the proposed padel tennis clubs will cause no greater impact than the existing use of the site as a tennis club.

“It concluded the proposed the development of padel tennis courts will not cause adverse impact upon nearby dwellings. Between the courts and residents' homes there is a large bund which has extensive planting on top. We will also be undertaking additional planting to further screen the site.

“This together with the natural topography of the site means that the proposed canopy structure will scarcely be visible to residents. It will certainly not affect the sunlight to their gardens.”

The planning application number, 2024/07622/PA, is currently in a public consultation period which expires on Monday, January 27, and comments can be made on Birmingham City Council's planning portal.