Parents issued warning as fines pending following Nuneaton school patrol

Patrols have taken place around a school in Nuneaton
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

Fines have been dished out to those caught parked illegally outside school gates in Nuneaton. In the latest action taken by police, patrols took place around Milby Primary School.

They were carried out by a Nuneaton Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) Police Community Support Officer (PSCO) who took to social media to post their findings. A PCSO thanked those who had parked safely, but gave a very different message to those found breaking the law.

"For the drivers who do park sensibly, thank you for putting the children first and abiding by the highway code," they said. " For the drivers who don't, more fines have been issued by myself."


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Illegal parking outside school gates in not only Nuneaton but the wider borough is an ongoing issue for locals. Just before Christmas, police patrols took place in the Stockingford area with drivers warned to 'expect fines'.

Through the on-going 'Operation Snap', people can share images and footage of dangerous parking with the police. The images are then looked at by officers.

Footage can be sent to police via the Operation Snap online form here