Path closed after huge boulders fall from historic Stirling walking route onto street below during Storm Eowyn

Large boulders fell from The Back Walk in Stirling on to Greenwood Avenue during Storm Eowyn
-Credit:Emma Flockhart

A Stirling path remains closed to members of the public after reports of large boulders falling from the historic Back Walk onto the street below during Storm Eowyn.

It's understood the ancient stones fell from The Back Walk on to Greenwood Avenue below.

Specialist engineers are to assess damage this week.

The first reports of the large stones tumbling on to Greenwood Avenue – located behind The Stirling Smith Art Gallery & Museum – came on Friday evening.

At least two of the enormous boulders came to rest on Greenwood Avenue and Stirling Council says that engineers will begin assessing the damage by Wednesday at the latest.


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A spokesperson said: “Assessment work by specialist engineers will take place at the site within the next 24 to 48 hours.

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“In the meantime, the path and road network will remain closed until we are satisfied that all risk to the public has been addressed and mitigated against.”

The Back Walk was created between 1724 and 1791 and it follows the outline of the old city walls.

The Back Walk starts opposite Stirling’s Central Library and is marked by a timber carving of a wolf.