Patriots coach Bill Belichick has had it with Microsoft Surface tablets

The Microsoft Surface has defeated New Englands Patriots coach Bill Belichick.

In an unusually longwinded rant to reporters Tuesday, Belichick declared that he will abandon his device — the official tablet of the NFL — in favor of pen and paper.

SEE ALSO: Patriots suffer Microsoft tablet glitch during Broncos game

"I'm done with the tablets," he said during a rant about malfunctioning gadgets that lasted more than five minutes. "I’ve given them as much time as I can give them. I just can't take it anymore.

"I’ll use the paper pictures from here on, because I just have given it my best shot,” Belichick added after a lengthy digression about the NFL's communications system.

Microsoft fired back in response to Belichick's complaints.

"We respect Coach Belichick’s decision, but stand behind the reliability of Surface," Microsoft said in a statement. "We continue to receive positive feedback on having Surface devices on the sidelines from coaches, players and team personnel across the league. In the instances where sideline issues are reported in NFL games, we work closely with the NFL to quickly address and resolve.”

In January, the Patriots reportedly suffered a tablet glitch during a championship game against the Denver Broncos. Afterwards, Belichick told reporters that problems with the tablet were commonplace, prompting a PR scramble from both Microsoft and the NFL.

The only problem with Belichick finally making the switch? Paper just isn't as aerodynamic as a Microsoft tablet:

UPDATED Oct. 18 at 3:36 p.m. ET with a statement from Microsoft.