Peace lilies' leaves will droop if common mistake is made - but it takes 30 seconds to fix
If your peace lily is looking a bit down in the dumps with wilting leaves, don't fret it's often a quick fix.
For those with a green thumb, it's key to recognise that droopy leaves usually signal a common problem for peace lilies: lack of water. Experts at Happy Houseplants have pointed out that not giving your peace lily enough water can lead to drooping, so consider those sagging leaves a cry for hydration.
Sorting this out could be as swift as 30 seconds just give your plant a drink of purified water, avoiding tap water due to potentially harmful minerals in hard water.
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Remember to water only when the top inch of soil feels dry and ensure excess water can escape from the pot's base, reports the Express. But if you've been generous with watering and your peace lily still looks limp, it might be craving more humidity.
Happy Houseplants say, "Peace lilies are tropical plants and appreciate higher humidity levels. In dry indoor environments, their leaves may droop due to the lack of moisture."
A regular misting or placing a water tray nearby, even using a humidifier, can help your peace lily thrive. Yet, if there's ample water and humidity and the leaves keep drooping, you might be overdoing it with the watering.
Happy Houseplants warn: "One of the most common reasons for peace lily drooping is overwatering."
"Peace lilies are relatively low-maintenance plants and prefer to dry out slightly between waterings. The roots can suffocate if the soil remains consistently soggy, leading to drooping leaves."
To fix an overwatered peace lily, let the top inch of soil dry out before you water it again. It's essential for your pot to have drainage holes to prevent soggy conditions that could kill the plant.
An easy watering trick is to do the deed over the kitchen sink so that any extra moisture has a clear escape route. Also, pay attention to the light - droopy leaves might mean your peace lily is crying out for just the right amount of sunshine.
For the happiest plant, place your peace lily near a window facing north or east for bright, indirect light.