19 Chilling Moments Where People Got The "Gut Feeling" That They Needed To Leave — And They Were Right

Please note: this article contains mention of violence and sexual assault.

Tingles up the spine or pressing feelings of wrongness might seem like they only happen in horror movies, but in real life, too, people often have a sixth sense for danger. Recently, Reddit user u/ElectroIsland took to the popular Ask Reddit page to ask users, "What was the scariest 'We need to leave… now” gut feeling that you’ve ever experienced?" and the stories were absolutely chilling. Here are some of the most fascinating:

1."My little sister and I went camping in the woods very close to our house when we were kids. We'd seen this bald guy with a blue shirt and a dog walking around, which isn't unusual for the area, you'll often see people walking and say hello. For some reason though, I just got this tight feeling in my chest, and my sister must have too, because we both just gave each other this look."

A misty forest scene with tall trees, fallen leaves covering the ground, and a broken stump and log in the foreground. No people are present

"We must have had the same moment of psychic-ness, because we walked off up a fork in the path until we were out of view, then looked at each other and jumped down a path hidden by the bushes and waited behind them on the parallel trail for a bit."

From "Lord of the Rings": Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Dominic Monaghan, and Billy Boyd hide under tree roots in a forest. The setting appears mystical and dense with foliage

2."In 1985, when I was about 8, an old El Camino pulled up alongside my friend and [me, driven by] a man saying he knew my mom. He did know her name, but something felt off, so I grabbed my friend and ran."

A classic convertible car is parked on a grassy field with palm trees in the background. Several vintage buses are also visible in the distance

3."Years ago, before cell phones, I was driving home from dropping my husband at the train at 4:30 a.m. Only me and one other car [were] on the road."

Janet Leigh, as Marion Crane in the movie
Janet Leigh, as Marion Crane in the movie
Rearview mirror view of an old car driving down a deserted road with hills on both sides
Rearview mirror view of an old car driving down a deserted road with hills on both sides

Universal Pictures

"He [turned] where I turned twice so I didn't go home, [but] went to an all-night gas station and called the police. I gave them a description of his car.

"Three weeks later, he was arrested. Turns out he was following women home, driving past their houses, and doubling back to rape them. No one had noticed his car. I'm glad I paid attention."


4."I bartend, and years ago I kicked this guy out because he was acting very strange, muttering under his breath that he would kill my other customers, just really hostile. He had missing fingers on one hand and he was kind of a bigger guy."

Neon sign reads "BAR OPEN" outside a brick building at night

5."I was at the state fair with my mom and my best friend. [My] friend and I were looking at the rides and the games. This creepy guy and his blonde girlfriend kept babbling at us about taking headshots, [saying] that he was a modeling agent. "

Serial killer Gerald Gallego in suit, deep in thought, hands clasped near mouth, in a courtroom setting. Another man is blurred in the background,
Serial killer Gerald Gallego in suit, deep in thought, hands clasped near mouth, in a courtroom setting. Another man is blurred in the background,
A female officer escorts Charlene Gallego, wearing a white blouse, and a man in a suit, through a hallway with reporters in the background
A female officer escorts Charlene Gallego, wearing a white blouse, and a man in a suit, through a hallway with reporters in the background

Bettmann / Bettmann Archive, San Francisco Chronicle / Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images

"He just seemed off and really sleazy and the girl was giving me the creeps, so I pretended that I saw my mom telling us to come and grabbed my friend and dragged her off. [My friend] was close to 5'8 and not a small girl at 13 years old, I was 4'9 and around 65 lbs at 14 years old.

"A few days later, there was a news story and rumors going around the school about two girls being kidnapped, assaulted, and murdered. They were taken from the fair the same day we were there, just [a] few hours later.

The creepy couple were Gerald and Charlene Gallego, serial killers."


"Wow, I just went down a 2:30 a.m. Wikipedia deep dive on this. How wild that you were so close to being a victim."


6."[I was on a] Wednesday midday run along a beautiful river pathway near my apartment block. About 1km in I felt people watching me and directly turned around and ran home, even though I did NOT see anybody!"

A woman with curly hair wearing a sleeveless athletic top and leggings is running on a trail in a forested area near a stream

7."[I was] surfing a fairly secluded reef break, offshore across a channel. This place is in a very southern state of Australia. Overcast weather, but a still, amazing day for the waves. I was surfing with only one other guy — we were trading waves and getting to know each other in between sets."

Wooden boardwalk leading down to a sandy beach with surf waves, bordered by rocky cliffs and vegetation under a clear sky

"We noticed a 15-foot inflatable boat pull up near the reef and hang around for a bit. [We didn't give it] much thought."

A small inflatable boat with an outboard motor is docked on the grassy shore of a calm body of water, with trees and a partly cloudy sky in the background

8."I stopped by a friend's house to watch a ball game. He, his wife, and I were just relaxing, and someone knocked on the door. It was the middle of the afternoon, [so] he opened it up; he was expecting others might come by also."

A hand is reaching to open a wooden door with a metal handle

"She came back in the room with a handgun — I'm thinking 'WTF did I walk into!' But she calmly said, 'Ron, you're strung out and came here with bad intentions, you need to quietly leave."

John Krasinski in a thoughtful pose, resting his chin on a clenched fist, from a scene in a workplace setting

9."In college I was studying at my school’s business school building, waiting to meet a friend, and I had a sudden sense of dread. I texted my friend that I would just meet her at her dorm later instead of meeting at the business school, and I left to walk to a nearby library instead."

Person wearing a knit sweater, seen from the shoulders down, holding a smartphone. Face not visible
Person wearing a knit sweater, seen from the shoulders down, holding a smartphone. Face not visible
An exterior view of Suzzallo Library at the University of Washington, featuring Gothic architectural design and a large metal sculpture in the foreground
An exterior view of Suzzallo Library at the University of Washington, featuring Gothic architectural design and a large metal sculpture in the foreground

Aleksey Matrenin / Getty Images, July7th / Getty Images

"When I got to the library about 20 minutes later, I checked my phone and I had nearly 20 missed calls and texts from my friends who knew I was at the business building."

"Literally seconds after I left, a student entered the building and stabbed multiple people, killing one professor and injuring several students. It happened in the room I had just been in."


10."I was walking down the street in a very unfamiliar city with a group of friends. I got this feeling and didn't know how to articulate it so I said to the group, 'Hey, I've gotta use the restroom, can we just duck inside this Subway real quick? I promise I'll be quick.' About a minute later there was a shootout just up the block. If we [hadn't] gone into the restaurant, we would've all been standing right in the middle of the incident waiting to cross the street."

A woman with straight hair looks up with a shocked expression. The subtitle reads, "Holy shit." Showtime logo is in the top right corner

11."We were smoking a joint by the lake downtown. We saw a group of about eight guys walking towards us and joked 'Yeah, I bet those guys will totally try to beat us up.' We ignored the feeling. They jumped us, beat us down, and stole my phone, so I guess we should have listened to our intuition."


12."When I was around 9 or 10, my mom took me with her on a business trip to a nearby city. This was before smartphones, when you still had to Mapquest stuff. We were supposed to meet my mom’s friend/coworker at the mall."

A row of storage units with blue doors located in a gravel area, surrounded by trees and foliage in the background. No people are in the image

13."Years ago I was at a club with some friends. I was at the bar and for some reason looked down at the other end of the bar and saw two guys quietly arguing. They tried to keep from being overheard but I saw their agitated faces. I went back to my group of friends and told them we should go."

A vibrant night scene of Ocean Drive in Miami Beach showing neon-lit hotels, including Boulevard Hotel and Starlite Hotel, with people dining outside

14."I was around 10 or 11 years old and had been invited to a sleepover. My mom didn't really like me going to those, because I'd usually end up staying up way too late and then being cranky the whole next day. When she dropped me off, she told me her usual send-off: 'Just remember, if you want to leave, I will come get you. It doesn't matter what time it is, just call me.'"

Child asleep inside a cozy indoor blanket fort decorated with string lights, holding a teddy bear. The scene is set in a softly lit living room with a lamp in the background

"I went upstairs and asked to use the phone, saying I wasn't feeling well and needed to go home. Her mom at first told me no."

Girl with braided hair in pajamas holding a vintage phone handset and dialing a number on the rotary dial

15."Picture it, 1994. I was 18 and waitressing in a sports bar. A comedy club was upstairs. One night a comedian kept visiting between sets. He was funny and charming, and he seemed quite smitten with me."

Elizabeth Olsen is smiling in a kitchen, wearing a white shirt and apron
Elizabeth Olsen is smiling in a kitchen, wearing a white shirt and apron
Woman with long hair in a white shirt standing in a tiled kitchen
Woman with long hair in a white shirt standing in a tiled kitchen

Bon Apétit

"He asked me out to late-night breakfast. If you’ve ever been in hospitality, you know we go out and eat at 3:00 a.m. I changed after my shift and waited a few minutes for him. I realized I really didn’t know this person, and I should not let him in my car. I decided to be smart and GTFO."

"A few years later, I was absentmindedly flipping through a People magazine at a friend’s house. That is when I saw my comedian date, Vince Champ, had been arrested as a serial rapist."

"His favorite target was young college girls and they finally caught him after putting the puzzle together between victims and his campus circuit. Holy shit I dodged a bullet! I think he may still be in jail; he was that terrible."


16."When I was looking for a new place to rent a few years back I found something not far from the house I was leaving, and to my surprise [when I went to tour it] the front door opened to reveal someone I knew from school. He was a few years younger and didn't remember me."

Yellow "Police Line Do Not Cross" tape cordons off an area outside with blurred trees and a building in the background

17."When I was in college I was waiting at my boyfriend's apartment for him to get home from work. My boyfriend's roommate was sitting on the couch, rocking back and forth and rubbing his hands on his knees, just giving off a very bad vibe."

"I immediately started getting a 'fight or flight' feeling in the pit of my stomach and [then he asked], 'Is it me, or is there a LOT of sexual tension in here?' I immediately said, 'It's you,' and bolted."

"He's now served almost ten years of a 40-year sentence for raping old women and children."


18."When I was about 13, my little sister and I were deemed old enough to see a movie on our own. My mom was in the mall working out in the gym and told us to get her when the movie finished. About 15 minutes into the movie, a man with a backpack sat in the seat next to me."

Two people with long hair are sitting in a movie theater, viewing a screen. The theater has red seats

19.And finally: "When I was about 16 my best friend and I used to hang out in a coffee shop before we went to a local college for a class we were taking together. There was a guy in our class around 17 or 18, and we would make small talk but something about him made my bones feel cold."

Two women work on laptops at a wooden table in a bright, modern workspace

"About a month later, he sauntered into the coffee shop with a manic, fixed grin on his face. He looked completely terrifying and kept letting little laughs escape. He came up to our group and said he was paying for everyone’s food and drinks because 'Today is a magical day.'"

Close-up of a police car roof with flashing blue and red lights

I, for one, was terrified by some of these. These stories just go to show that if you ever have a gut feeling, listen to it. You never, ever know: it might save a life.

If you have your own "gut feeling" story, feel free to share in the comments below, or, if you prefer, check out this anonymous Google Form. Your story may be included in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.