22 People Are Revealing The "Biggest" Secrets They Won't Tell Their Partners, And Some Of These Are Absolutely Tragic

Everyone has their secrets, and for some people, their partners will never know about them. Recently, Redditor u/bw162 asked Reddit community members what the biggest secret they're keeping from their significant others is, and they range from shocking to wholesome. Here are some of the secrets that might have you totally surprised:

1."I resent him for never making big, romantic gestures — not even medium ones. It feels like he doesn't think I'm worth the effort. It feels like I'm always compromising for whatever he wants, and it never comes back around."

A Reddit post by u/AtTheStraightsOK showing a Valentine's card with written notes. The card contains a message and decorations

2."We've been together for five years. We met at a football game, and so our biggest thing in common is our love for our team. We'd get together on Sundays and watch the games with her family for years. But the truth is that I'm not really into football. I was at the game we met at because someone bought tickets, and I was off, so I just went along with it. I've never really understood football, so for years, I just followed along when the family cheered or booed."



3."I'm getting some of the worst sex I've ever had. I love them, but they're just not good in bed."

A woman, with a pensive expression, lies in bed next to a man who is turned away from her, suggesting a possible relationship issue
Brauns / Getty Images

4."I went to school with her sister and had a thing for her. I had no clue my fiancée and her were sisters until we started dating eight years later."


5."When she first made a TikTok account, she spent hours doing her hair and makeup, recording different dances, skits, etc. But the videos weren't really taking off at all, and I could tell she was a little down about it. So, when she was asleep, I went onto her account and spent $300 to have her videos promoted and pushed to more people. She woke up to thousands of followers, tens of thousands of likes, and hundreds of thousands of views. She was ecstatic. She still has no idea it was me, but it was worth every cent."

Woman in a closet holds a purse and a belt while smiling at a smartphone on a tripod
Tatiana Meteleva / Getty Images

6."Years later, I'm still not over her affair. I have my reasons for staying, but the pain remains."

A woman in a black lace top leans back with her eyes closed as a shirtless man kisses her neck. Intimate moment captured, categorized as Sex & Love
Lwa / Getty Images

7."I have a box of little crochet critters in the garage that I make when I'm bored or in between clients. I let my fiancé know that if anyone at work would like one (she's a hospice nurse), she can take them from the box, no questions asked. That's what I told her, anyway. The secret is that I purposefully make stuff for her to take. I even have a little spreadsheet so I know what animals and colors are the most popular, and then I make sure there are always spares. Obviously, I don't know WHO the critters go to because of confidentiality, but I try to get as big a range as I can."

Two crocheted bunny figurines on a patterned background posted on Reddit, depicting a sweet and romantic scene

8."I've always known he takes Viagra. I think he'd say his biggest secret is that he takes Viagra."



9."He's been eating veggie burgers for about two years now. The first time he had one was an accident, but I'd never seen him enjoy eating 'meat' so much before. Now, he just eats them without me telling him. I might've taken it a bit too far."

A Reddit post from user seriousseats displaying a pan with three black bean veggie burgers. The user recommends the recipe. The comment section is visible

10."I don't think his youngest son is his. The story about how this child came to be is very shady. Between having his vasectomy reversal and how low he said his body count was, combined with the fact that he caught his boys' mom cheating during the time they were trying for another child, plus how fast she came back with the paternity results, it all feels very wrong. 13 years later, my partner always brings up how similar him and his youngest look. I just agree, but his kid looks nothing like him or his other two kids. My boyfriend is 5'7, with blue eyes, black hair, and a lean build. The younger is already over six feet tall, has brown eyes and brown hair, and is kind of chubby. His mom is very slim and has blue eyes and blonde hair. It feels off."



11."I'm gone once a month for a 'mysterious' workshop that he's not allowed to ask me about. What he doesn't know is that I'm going to a blacksmithing workshop, and I'm currently making him a sword to propose to him with."

Reddit post by blacksmithn: "I'm kinda new to blacksmithing but I decided to take my hand at making a sword any tips?" with an image showing an anvil and metalworking tools

12."As someone who absolutely hates dancing and always declined invitations to go dancing, I learned the basic steps of Bachata, which is her favorite dance. I'm unsure how long I'll keep it a secret; I'm just waiting for the right moment to reveal this surprise."


13."Twenty-five years later, I still have nightmares about my abusive ex-boyfriend."

Man laying in bed covering his face with his hand, appearing stressed or frustrated
Kate Aedon / Getty Images

14."On occasion, I send groceries to local people asking for food. I know what it is to be hungry, while my husband never has. I do not think he would understand. Not that he is against helping the less fortunate, but he might get upset with me sending groceries and spending $80–$100 on basics for someone to get by until their next paycheck."

Reddit post by u/thatshinyuncert narrating their first grocery haul after moving out, costing $90. Image shows various foods arranged on the floor

15."I secretly hate the way he chews. I act like it doesn't bother me, but it drives me wild."



16."I am so much kinkier than he could even imagine."

Shirtless man holding handcuffs while looming over smiling woman in a black bralette lying on a bed. The scene is intimate and playful
Nd3000 / Getty Images

17."That I've learned to hate him. He's mentally abusive. It's exhausting, and I don't deserve it. Everyone thinks he's the nicest man ever when he's really a prick."


18."That I am not okay in this divorce. I miss her TERRIBLY."

A woman sits on a bed with a concerned expression, resting her head on her hand
Johnce / Getty Images

19."The cancer is probably going to kill me."


20."I dislike their parents. They're perfectly decent people, but I find them unbearably dull. Like, to the point where spending any significant time with them is excruciating to me. Unfortunately, my partner is extremely close to their parents, so I think it would break their heart if they learned my true feelings."

A family, including three adults and three children, enjoys a meal together at a dining table at home, smiling and raising glasses in a toast
Compassionate Eye Foundation / Getty Images

21."That his father's dementia is incredibly more severe than he thinks."


22.Lastly: "I've had an engagement ring in my closet for months now. I'm traveling, and he's supposed to meet me in Germany. I'm going to propose while we're there."

A hand holding a blue ring box with an ornate engagement ring. Reddit post by user just1kmfdm

Are you keeping a secret from your partner? No matter how big or small, if you want to get it off your chest, share your secret with us in the comments! Or, if you want to submit anonymously, you can do so using this form.

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.