People Who’ve Worked With Bachelor Parties, What Are The Wild Things You’ve Seen Soon-To-Be Married Men Do?
Oh, bachelor parties. As a woman in my late 20s, I've unfortunately witnessed sleazy behavior from bachelor parties in the club...
A few summers ago, my friends and I went to this fancy burlesque-style dinner nightclub while they were visiting me in a new city. The food was good. The drinks were tasty. The entertainment was FIRE.
As the night crept on, the dinner turned into a dance club. It was the kind of place you'd bring your girls on your bachelorette party or your boys on your bachelor party. Both groups mingled here that night, including one bachelor party with the whole shebang – bottle service, signs, a big group of annoying men, you know the drill.
These groups tend to like to show off — buying women drinks and inviting them to their tables. For the single men in the bachelor party, hey, this is all fine. But for the man getting married (or married and monogamous men in the group) — WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Alas, such was the case this night...
Come to find out, one of the men "in the bachelor party" hitting on my friend that night was actually THE GROOM! (His friends can't get off scot-free either. THEY ENCOURAGED IT!)
This obviously isn't the only time an almost-married man did something questionable at his bachelor party. So, if you've worked in the industry of servicing bachelor parties or groom and groomsmen (entertainment, hoteling, cleaning, food, drinks, dancing, etc.), I want to hear from you. What are the wildest things you've seen soon-to-be-married men do?
Perhaps you're a hotel cleaner in Vegas. Being that you clean many rooms after nights of people's bad decisions, you see A LOT. Once, you cleaned a bachelor party suite and found a note on the bedside table: "I found your fiancée's name on Facebook and told her everything. Good job ruining her life and your own!"
Maybe you were managing a rental property that was booked for a bachelor party. Not only did the party leave the place a MESS, but they also caused $30,000 in damage to the house. A car crashed into the garage, furniture was damaged, and they set up a makeshift "boxing ring" that structurally damaged the walls. The groom was left to foot the astronomical bill, derailing the couple's wedding plans. The last you heard, the bride had called off the wedding, and the groom was still paying off the debt.
Perhaps you are a wedding planner, and while you were hired for one couple, you were surprised when your contract was abruptly canceled after the groom's bachelor party. Apparently, he and his groomsmen were in a group chat for the party, sharing all the nefarious things they were up to (including hiring strippers when the bride said absolutely not). Well, he left his iMessage open on the computer back at home, with his fiancée reading everything in real-time. When he got home, his stuff was out on the lawn.
So, if you've been around or worked for bachelor parties, let us know the wild things you've seen soon-to-be married men do in the comments or at this anonymous form. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.