Pet policy change for some council tenants in Nuneaton and Bedworth
A change is due to be made to the pet policy for some council tenants in Nuneaton and Bedworth. Currently tenants who live in old folks complexes, known as independent living shelters, are not officially allowed to own pets.
But Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council is set to make a main change its existing pet policy. "We are proposing to allow pets in all properties, with permission, which contrasts with the current pet policy," a council report states.
It adds that in 2021, the pet policy was 'relaxed' for tenants in general purpose accommodation meaning those tenants who live in properties without its own front door - such as old folks complexes - were permitted to have cats and dogs, with permission. But it was never made official policy for all council properties.
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So the council consulted those who live in independent living shelters over the plans to allow pet ownership officially and the majority were not in favour.
"The responses lean towards most independent living tenants not supporting the new policy of allowing pets in independent living complexes," the report explains. "Concerns vary from people being worried about noise, smells, animals being in communal areas without leads and fouling in communal spaces.
"It was also felt that ASB may rise, and it therefore require a specific officer to deal with this."
But the council says its policy would have strict rules. "The proposed policy has stipulations for responsible pet ownership and that pets must be kept in line with the terms of this policy; complaints about nuisance are dealt with efficiently and effectively and advice and support is offered to tenants about responsible pet ownership, ensuring cohesive community living with the addition of pets as long as the rules and regulations are adhered to by staff and residents."
The council said that it could fall foul of of a legal requirement, under the Equality Act 2010, by restricting access to pet ownership because age including living in accommodation designated for over 55s.
"Whilst there are some properties that cannot allow pets, e.g. supported accommodation, care homes, independent living does not form part of these exemptions to pet ownership," the report concludes.
"In addition to this, the council recognises the benefits that responsible pet ownership can bring to residents, however, controls must be in place to prevent irresponsible pet ownership, which can cause suffering to animals and nuisance to neighbours. The implementation of this policy will assist with this."
The final decision on the policy change will be made by councillor Chris Watkins, who is the cabinet member for housing, at a meeting on February 13.