New PIP proposals to end cash payments for some people could be scrapped after 16,000 respond to plans
The new Minister for Social Security and Disabilities at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) recently confirmed that over 16,000 people have shared their views on proposed changes to Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Sir Stephen Timms MP also said that the DWP will review the responses to the ‘Modernising support for independent living: the health and disability green paper’, while “considering our own approach to social security in due course”.
His response came after fellow Labour MP Cat Smith asked when the DWP plans to publish a response to the consultation which closed on July 22. The proposals, put forward by the Conservative government in April, aim to cut £12 billion from the annual welfare bill by introducing alternative support methods for people on PIP other than regular cash payments of up to £737.20 every four weeks.
Changes include swapping cash PIP payments of up to £737.20 every four-week payment period for a range of other support, including vouchers, one-off grants, a receipt-based scheme or choosing support aids from a catalogue.
In a written response at the end of last month, Sir Stephen said: “The consultation on the Modernising Support Green Paper closed on Monday 22 July. Over 16,000 responses have been received and we will review these responses.
“The proposals in this Green Paper were developed by the previous government. We will be considering our own approach to social security in due course.”
Parliamentary business will not resume until September 2, which means more than 3.5 million people on PIP are not likely to see a statement released before then - at the very earliest.
However, the vast number of responses and vocal objections from charities and organisations to the proposed changes could indicate an overwhelming number of negative comments recited in the consultation, which the new Labour Government surely cannot ignore.
It’s also worth noting that the proposed changes will not affect 173,000 people in Scotland currently on PIP or Disability Living Allowance (DLA) as they will be moving to Adult Disability Payment (ADP) before the end of next year.
Alternatives to regular cash payments
The Green Paper explains if DWP were to consider other ways of supporting people with disabilities and long-term health conditions - apart from providing regular cash payments - it could continue to contribute to people’s extra costs through alternative models.
These include:
Catalogue/ shop scheme: in this kind of scheme, there would be an approved list from which disabled people could choose items at reduced or no cost. This would likely work better for equipment and aids rather than for services.
Voucher scheme: in this kind of scheme, disabled people could receive vouchers to contribute towards specific costs. It could work for both equipment/aids and for services.
A receipt-based system: this would involve claimants buying aids, appliances, or services themselves, and then providing proof of their purchase to claim back a contribution towards the cost. This could work in a similar way to Access to Work, which provides grants for equipment, adaptations, and other costs to help disabled people to start and stay in work.
One-off grants: these could contribute towards specific, significant costs such as for home adaptations or expensive equipment. It could involve a person supplying medical evidence of their condition to demonstrate the need for equipment or adaptations.
Ten charities and organisations have written to the Labour Government urging them to scrap the proposals. They warn that the plans will not achieve their stated aim of reducing economic inactivity but instead “condemn seriously ill and disabled people to a life of poverty and the threat of sanctions”.
Anela Anwar, Chief Executive of anti-poverty charity Z2K, who coordinated the letter, said: “The plans to restrict vital income and remove protections for those of us who become seriously ill or disabled in the future are misguided and dangerous.
“It was a relief that the previous government ran out of time before the election to implement the plans and we were hopeful that a new government would not take them forward. But we have heard nothing to date that has put our minds at ease.”
Ms Anwar added: “We urge the new Secretary of State to put scrapping the plans at the top of her to-do list. Instead of introducing ever tougher cuts and sanctions, the new government must look to remove the barriers to economic activity that are built into the social security system, through addressing the inadequacy and risk that currently characterise it. Seriously ill and disabled people should have the security we all need - the job starts now to make this a reality.”
You can read the full letter online here.
The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) estimates that the planned changes to the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) would mean 424,000 people with serious mobility or mental health issues would be denied extra Universal Credit worth over £400 a month and protection from sanctions. The OBR estimates that just three per cent of these people would be expected to move into work in the subsequent four years.
The ten organisations are also calling for any future changes to PIP, to be done with disabled people at the centre - similar to the Scottish Government's approach to Adult and Child Disability Payment and the new Pension Age Disability Payment due to launch in October.
The consultation on the proposals closes on July 22, you can complete the six-page document online here.