Planning application submitted for Hull hospital building already up and in use

Car parking opposite side of Hull Royal Infirmary, Argyle Street - the single-storey building in question can be seen just beyond
-Credit: (Image: LDR)

A retrospective planning application has been made by the local NHS for a ward building at Hull Royal Infirmary.

The single storey building's location is on the other side of Argyle Street to the main hospital building and beyond a car park, off Gladstone Street. It is known as Rossmore Community Rehabilitation Centre and was completed last summer.

The application was originally submitted by Pegasus Group on behalf of the local NHS in late June 2023. However, required information such as a transport assessment and noise report, was originally lacking. A Hull City Council officer issued a written direction to receive several such documents from the applicant, as it could no go any further without.

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The last of the required documents was uploaded to the council's planning portal on August 6. Email correspondence in the application states the council is expected to decide within eight weeks of receiving the final requested information.

The community rehabilitation centre is for 'No Criteria to Reside' patients. These are patients who no longer meet the clinical need to be in hospital, but for reasons such as social care and personal arrangements, cannot be fully discharged. A high number of such patients can lead to knock-on wait time effects because of hospital capacities.

The ward building retrospective application details it includes a range of ward rooms, reception and administration areas, and therapy suite. An ambulance drop-off and 63 car parking spaces for staff and visitors are also part of the development.

An early planning document, from last year, explains the ward building's importance. "Hull Royal Infirmary will often deal with a large number of hospital admissions, which in some instances can cause backlogs for those waiting for beds. At present, some beds in the hospital are being used by NCR patients – meaning ‘No Criteria to Reside’. As such, a new ward specifically for NCR patients would alleviate pressure on the wards within the main hospital campus."

Hull Royal Infirmary, from Argyle Street - Aug 2024
Hull Royal Infirmary, from Argyle Street - Aug 2024 -Credit:LDR

Given the application's retrospective nature, theoretically a refusal could lead to the building's required demolition. However, there have been no objections to the facility.