Plans for new Birmingham Aldi store approved six years after similar proposals were refused

Plans for a new Aldi store in Longbridge have been given the green light six years after similar proposals were refused. The scheme will see a number of existing buildings on Bristol Road South demolished to make way for the store after an application was approved earlier this month.

As part of the plans, 109 car parking spaces were proposed as well as four electric vehicle charging spaces and ten bicycle spaces under the store entrance canopy. “Approximately 50 jobs would be created with a mix of full and part-time opportunities recruited from within the community,” a council officer’s report said.

It said 272 letters of support were received, which “outlined the store is much-needed in the area especially during the cost-of-living crisis and the development would be another step in helping Longbridge continue to grow". Plans for an Aldi store in Bristol Road South were refused in 2018.

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One of the reasons for refusal was that the application was located on an allocated ‘Regional Investment Site’ and was a departure from the adopted Birmingham Development Plan. Speaking at this month’s planning meeting, Coun Gareth Moore said: “I remember the application when it came to committee in 2018, I voted in favour of it.

“I thought it would be a good addition for the area. I remain of that view so happy to support it and appreciate it’s down for approval this time.”

The recently-published report also noted the Birmingham Development Plan Preferred Options Document was currently out for consultation. “The proposed changes to the site allocation through the consultation indicate a clear focus of industrial development on the main body of the Regional Investment Site/core employment land, freeing this site and the wider frontage for other growth zone development,” it continued.

“I consider a significant change has occurred on the ground following the granting of planning permissions in recent years that form a material consideration and exceptional justification for this application. The development of the main body of the West Works site is progressing for industrial development, the infrastructure works have been completed and the adjacent housing to the rear of the West Works site is under construction.”

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The report said that on that basis, the proposed food store development was considered “acceptable”. “The development would create local employment opportunities and would comfortably occupy a vacant site sat within an existing commercial frontage in compliance with the wider growth and regeneration plan for Longbridge,” it added.

“The store would also serve the new housing located to the rear of the site on the other side of the River Rea". Proposed opening hours for the new store are 8am to 10pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 4pm on Sundays, according to a council officer’s report.

The existing buildings which would be demolished include 1629, 1631, 1651 and 1653 Bristol Road South. The proposal was approved, subject to conditions, by Birmingham City Council ’s planning committee on Thursday, August 8.

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