Plans for building on derelict land behind Grade II listed pub given go ahead

Reedswood Close, Birchills, Walsall

Plans for a 10-bed apartment block in Birchills have been given the go ahead by Walsall Council. The two-storey apartment block will be built on derelict land on Reedswood Close, behind the Grade II listed Rose and Crown pub.

Each unit will each have a double bedroom, bathroom and mixed living, dining and kitchen space. The plans indicate 10 parking spaces and one disabled bay for the residents.

READ MORE: Inside new plans for West Midlands Wetherspoons pub

There’s also a drying area and bin store at the rear of the block. Access will be gained from Reedswood Close. The boundary of the 1,037 square meter site of development backs onto the gardens of more than 10 residential properties.


The decision to develop one-bedroom flats followed advice from housing association WHG. WHG told the applicant, Paul Spooner, that there was a demand for smaller units within the area which it could eventually utilise.

Within the application, Paul Spooner wrote: “The scheme pays due regard to local context and character, and no detriment will arise to adjacent or nearby residential occupiers by reason of overshadowing, overlooking or overbearing.”