Plans for new homes spark traffic fears
Plans for a new row of terraced homes have sparked fears of a traffic nightmare.
The proposals, tabled by Wickens Estates, will see seven homes built on a small grassy bank next to the San Giorgio restaurant in Mossley.
Neighbours say the plan would effectively split the area in two, with queueing traffic stopping drivers getting from one side of the town to the other.
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The Stamford Road site is next to a five-way junction. Due to a recent fatal crash in the area, a decision on the plan was pushed back by Tameside council's planning panel so they could get more recent traffic data.
The latest meeting heard the town hall's highways team was satisfied there would be no increased safety risk if the plan was approved.
Coun Jack Homer, who attended the meeting alongside objectors, said: "How can you look at that plan and say there is not going to be an increased risk to safety for residents of Stamford Road.
"Is this safe for residents and is there an increased risk to drivers on the road? I say there is more risk. Given this is for seven homes, does this benefit outweigh the risk?"
Neighbours pleaded to 'let common sense prevail'.
"I have suffered through Covid and everything and now you're going to close down town for two years so this can be built," one business owner added.
Coun Jackie Lane said she had driven through Mossley that morning, saysing it took her 30 minutes to go around 50m.
The panel said they could find no planning reason for refusal and the plan was approved by majority decision.