Plans to house hundreds of asylum seekers at former Staffordshire University student halls scrapped

A proposal to turn the former halls of residence into a site for asylum seekers has been scrapped
-Credit: (Image: Google)

Proposals to turn a former university halls of residence into a site for asylum seekers has been withdrawn. Hundreds of people could have been placed at the site in Staffordshire if plans had gone ahead.

Serco, working on behalf of the Home Office, had sought permission to change the use of the former Staffordshire University site, in Weston Road, Stafford, to asylum seeker accommodation.

Stafford Borough Council (SBC) initially rejected Serco's application in 2022. The Planning Inspectorate then allowed an appeal and granted permission, with up to 481 beds proposed for the site.

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But the proposals have now been withdrawn for the site. The Beaconside Group has announced plans to turn the site in Weston Road into 132 luxury apartments.

The firm says a mixture of one and two bedroom apartments will be available to rent from 2026 but plans have not officially been lodged with the council, the BBC reports.