New plans for town centre shop 12 months after last scheme rejected
Plans to knock down a Stafford town centre shop building to create new retail and living space have returned - a year after a previous proposal was rejected. Stafford Borough Council planning officers refused to grant permission for seven flats and a shop unit at Eastgate Street in January 2024 because the proposal's frontage design was not considered appropriate for the Stafford Conservation Area.
The rear element of the proposed development also raised concerns about its impact on the Conservation Area due to "excessive scale, massing and incongruous form". And a proposed third floor verandah "would diminish existing levels of residential privacy to a degree which is harmful", planning officers said.
New proposals have now come forward for the site. A design and access statement submitted as part of the latest application stated that discussions had taken place with the council's conservation officer, design advisor and a planning officer to find a solution to the concerns raised.
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It added: "To address the design orientated concerns the flats have been reduced to six in total, the front elevation parapet has been removed, traditional stone heads introduced, and a traditional shop front has been added. To the rear the parapets have been removed and the height across the section has been reduced considerably.
"Traditional tiled pitch roofs have been added and the roof terrace omitted completely to remove any potential overlooking issues. The proposed scheme does not seek to maximise and over-develop the site but provide spacious apartments in line with National Space Standards.
"The intention is to provide a front façade facing Eastgate Street, which respects the heritage of the area using sympathetic features that befits the existing streetscene. The shop frontage has been reduced and set back to provide ambulant access to the retail unit.
"Due to its location within the town centre, cars will not be provided with parking, and residents will be encouraged to walk or cycle. Its close access to the transport network supports the encouragement of utilising public transport."
The new plans have already received support from two borough residents. One said: "With the fall of the High Street, surely updating buildings to be fit for purpose is a positive and required to move with the time.
"Additionally, surrounding buildings are higher so won't become an eyesore. Stafford high street needs some investment."
Below are other planning applications published or validated by Stafford Borough Council in recent days
25/40149/LDCPP: Lawful Development Certificate - Proposed kitchen extension incorporating the replacement of existing conservatory at 65 Bernard Grove, Meir Heath, ST3 7NZ
25/40124/POTH: Solar PV installation is to be conducted on the roof area specified within the attached layouts. The system size will be 150kWp with a total panel count of 300 x 500Wp. The planned system will use a trapazodial fixture mechanism. The installation will not exceed 0.2m in height from the existing plane of the roof. The panels will be fitted flush to the roof. The respective planned layouts can be reviewed within the attachments supplied at Unit 2, West Midlands Ambulance Service, Tollgate Drive, Beaconside, Stafford, ST16 3HS
24/40068/NDEM: Demolition of former four storey office block, with flat roof, brick walls and timber windows at GE Grid Solutions, Ranshaw Drive, Stafford, ST17 4FD
24/40065/HOU: Extensions and alterations, to include the provision of link between dwelling and existing garage at Tree Tops, Newcastle Road, Knowl Wall, ST4 8SE
24/40005/HOU: Extension over existing garage to create extension to existing bedroom, garage conversion into office space and single storey rear extension at 38 Thomas Avenue, Stone, ST15 8FG
24/40011/LDCPP: Lawful Development Certificate - Proposed single-storey side extension and single-storey rear extension at Barnfields Farm, Old Road, Oulton Heath, ST15 8US
24/40010/LDCPP: Construction of extension at 6 Mount Pleasant Close, Aston Lodge, Stone, ST15 8QJ
24/39947/TWT: TPO 47 1976: Copper Beech - Crown lift up to 2m, lateral reduction by up to 2m and up to 30% thin at Oak Villa, 10 Stafford Road, Eccleshall, ST21 6JP
24/39910/FUL: Demolition of existing building and rear workshop and construction of proposed new apartment block at 30 Eastgate Street, Stafford
24/39272/FUL: Agricultural machinery and produce storage building (inclusive of muck midden and access track) at Moss Cottage, Balaams Lane, Moss Gate, Stone, ST15 8RH
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