Police chief's concern after 15-year-old girl's 'significant assault' on officer

-Credit: (Image: Nick Hands)
-Credit: (Image: Nick Hands)

An increasing toll of attacks on emergency workers is giving Police Scotland some major challenges, Chief Superintendent Raymond Higgins revealed at the North Ayrshire Police and Fire and Rescue Committee on Monday.

He said: “In relation to the increase in minor assaults, we have experienced an increase in attacks on emergency workers in the first quarter; the majority relate to attacks on Police officers.

“This has continued into the current quarter where unfortunately we have now had several officers having to attend hospital for injuries sustained on duty.

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“During the reporting period, from April 1 to June 30 assaults on my staff and Chief Inspector Fraser Normansell’s staff have seen 53 assaults against our police officers in North Ayrshire, 13 of which resulted in injuries and included hospital treatment for bunches bites and kicks and dental treatments.

“Over the weekend a 15-year-old girl assaulted one of my members of staff quite significantly and the actions we had to take to deal with that are concerning.

"But that’s what is faced in certain small numbers of our community assaulting our officers trying to do their job.”

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