Post Office sending UK households letter containing free £150 payment

The Post Office is urging people - especially British Gas, OVO, EDF, EON and Octopus customers - to get ready to redeem their Warm Home Discount vouchers.
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

The Post Office is sending UK households letters containing a free £150 payment. The Post Office is urging people - especially British Gas, OVO, EDF, EON and Octopus customers - to get ready to redeem their Warm Home Discount vouchers.

The reminder comes as Post Office data reveals that over £3 million worth of Warm Home Discount vouchers, which could have been redeemed at their branches, went unclaimed last year. The Warm Home Discount provides a one-off £150 discount on electricity bills, offering vital support as energy costs continue to rise.

Households in England and Wales who qualify for the Warm Home Discount and have an electric key meter (prepay) will receive a letter from providers working with the Post Office: British Gas, EDF, EON Next, Green OVO and Scottish Power.


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The letter will contain a voucher that can be redeemed at any Post Office branch to top up their meter. Last year, Post Office processed 300,000 vouchers through its branches, with 190,000 vouchers issued in October & November alone.

Postmasters and Post Office play a crucial role in helping customers access this essential support, especially as rising energy bills continue to place strain on households. This is the third year Post Office has run energy advice drop-ins at selected branches in partnership with charities and advice organisations with 40 events planned this winter.


Kevin Elson, Postmaster at Bache Post Office said: “We know many people are worried about the cost of their energy bills as the colder weather starts to set in. £150 can make a big difference, especially to people who are on pay-as-you-go meter.

“It’s really important that people are able to access the financial support schemes that are available, such as the Warm Homes Discount. That’s why postmasters, like me, and our teams stand ready to help and ensure that people can easily redeem their vouchers.”