Primary school league table: Search and compare the best primary schools in your area

Primary school league table: Search and compare the best primary schools in your area
Primary school league table: Search and compare the best primary schools in your area

Thousands of primary schools across the country have their results figures published by the Department for Education on an annual basis. 

This year's results are for last year's academic year and have been ranked in our searchable league table according to the percentage of students achieving the expected standard. 

Find your school

Our interactive tool allows you to search school results in your area and compare schools of your choice against one another.

Clicking on an individual school's name brings up more detailed information, including the percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard and the school's progress scores for reading, writing and maths.

Individual school sections also display the school's location and the total number of pupils.

The top 100 schools

The table below ranks the country's top 100 schools by the percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths, and then by the percentage of pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at greater depth in writing.

It also includes the school's latest available Ofsted rating. 

Based on these categories, Temple Grafton CofE Primary School, Alcester , performed the best of any state school in the country in 2017, followed by Lowbrook Academy, Maidenhead , a close second. 

Metrics explanation

Our schools comparison tool shows several metrics relating to school performance. The first is a certain school's latest Ofsted rating, which ranks it either outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate.

It also includes the proportion of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths, with a line comparing it to the average for its local authority, as well as the proportion of pupils working at greater depth in writing and achieving a high score in reading and maths.

Schools can also be ranked on the progress made across the school in reading, writing and maths. For this, pupils’ results are compared to the achievements of other pupils across the country who had a similar starting point.

A score of zero means that, on average, pupils achieved similar results at the end of Key Stage 2 (end of year 6) to pupils in other schools with similar results at the end of Key Stage 1.

Note: Schools may not have data in the tables for several reasons, including: small numbers of pupils (which risks an individual pupil’s results being identified); investigations into maladministration of tests; or for other reasons beyond the school's control. Many independent and state schools score zero (or very low scores) if they enter all or most pupils for alternative qualifications that are not accredited by the Government.