Queen Camilla makes rare candid admission about her family

Queen Camilla, who has issued a special invitation to Sandringham for Christmas

Queen Camilla has made rare personal comments about her family. The 77-year-old made a trip to Great Western Hospital in Swindon, Wiltshire on Tuesday, January 21.

It was a personal trip for Camilla, who gave birth to her daughter Laura Lopes in the same place on New Year's Day in 1978. During her visit, she revealed how her family are still regular visitors to the hospital's A&E unit.

Speaking with hospital staff, Camilla: "I know quite a lot about you. You've treated a lot of my family. My daughter will often call me saying 'guess where I am?'.

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"And I get a picture of a thumb sticking up at an odd angle, or a leg. I know what a nice place it is and what great care you take of people." Art curator Laura is a mum to three children, Eliza, 17, and 15-year-old twins Gus and Louis.


Camilla's son Tom Parker Bowles has two children Lola and Freddy with his former wife Sara Buys, Mirror reports. Queen Camilla's three grandsons were chosen as her Pages of Honour at the coronation in May 2023.

She revealed her joy at being a grandmother in an interview with Vogue in honour of her 75th birthday. Speaking about her five grandchildren, then aged from 12 to 14, she said: "It's very nice getting a text. We learn from very young people and they learn from us, too. That's the way it's always been.

"You know the nice thing about being a grandmother is that you can spoil them occasionally, give them more of the things that their parents forbid them to have. One's at a school very near my house, so when I am in Wiltshire and her parents are away, I can nip over and pick her up and take her home.

"The girls are beginning to get into clothes and make-up and, you know, it's rather frightening when you see them, coming out with pierced ears and a lot of new make-up and funny-coloured hair and stuff."

Camilla does not have her ears pierced. She said: "And they are not going to be. No, I'm not going to give it to myself for a 75th birthday present. [The grandchildren] will try to persuade me, but nothing's going to pierce my ears."


In 2023, Camilla's former daughter-in-law Sara spoke lovingly about her - and her dedication to her grandchildren. Sara, who is a fashion editor, divorced Tom in 2022, four years after their separation.

She praised the Queen for being very 'hands-on' with Lola and Freddy, adding: "She's a really good granny, very hands-on and she's never been anything but nice to me." Speaking to the Daily Mail, Sara added: "If Tom and I are arguing, it's between us. The long-term relationship between her and her grandchildren is what's important and that's never changed."