QUIZ: How Good Is Your European Geography?

We all live there, but where is there? Can you tell your Spains from your Serbias? Take our test and compare yourself to the Yahoo office's attempt...

Quizzes go down pretty well in the Yahoo office, and after last week's dismal performance naming all the London boroughs, we thought it would be wise to cast the net a bit wider.

So enter, Europe.

Surely we can get Europe right?

I mean, you know what these two countries are, don't you?


But then there's all those ones in the middle, and out to the East... they're a bit more tricky.


Also, before you ask it was up to the quizmaster to define Europe. And to avoid arguments, she also gave out a list of the countries included. It was based on searching 'Europe political map 2015', and memories of Eurovision. So no arguments.

Yahoo's editorial team was given this empty (and rather badly Photoshopped map):

Yahoo's challenge
Yahoo's challenge

The lines are just pointing to the very small countries that you can't fit the whole name in, so you can write on the line.

As one might predict, everyone got the five on the right hand side of the map right. And everyone nailed Russia. But between France and Russia it became a bit of a free for all.

How would you do?

Rather than faffing around with print outs we've created an online version for you to test your European mettle:

The lowest grade was Nikki's, with 20 (out of a possible 49). She also gave us the biggest lol by putting Sweden in Eastern Europe.

Oh dear, Nikki
Oh dear, Nikki


Anything in the 30s was deemed 'pretty good' but Libby deserves a special mention for putting Scotland in Finland's place. Though presumably that was a joke... ;-).

Scotland makes an appearance in Scandinavia
Scotland makes an appearance in Scandinavia

But there were some superstars in our mix. In fact, the winner was a joint affair with both Charlie and Isabel racking up an impressive 42/49 and even getting those tricky Baltics right.


If you can get Azerbaijan right, you'll probably win...
If you can get Azerbaijan right, you'll probably win...


Did you do better than us?