I received a pavement parking warning on the day of enforcement in Glasgow - here's what to expect

The parking pavement ban is now in force
-Credit:Glasgow Live

Glasgow city has many narrow streets, particularly in the west end and south side of Glasgow where tenement living is most common - so what does this mean for residents with cars now the pavement parking ban is in place?

After parking on Skirving Street in the southside of the city on January 29, I received a warning notice for being parked illegally, like mostly every other vehicle in the area.

Motorists in Glasgow who park even slightly on the pavement will face a hefty fine as the ban came into force on Wednesday. The new rules are in place to improve road safety for pedestrians, such as people with disabilities or those pushing prams or buggies, who can be forced on to the road due to inappropriate parking.


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However, as we previously reported, many narrow streets in and around the city require further assessment with the council urging drivers to check the status of their street earlier this month - meaning until this is complete, these areas will be exempt from the ban.

Many city residents have raised concerns
Many city residents have raised concerns -Credit:Glasgow Live

A spokesperson for Glasgow City Council said: "Drivers are urged to consult the pavement parking map so they know the streets where there is no exemption to the ban, which allows penalty charge notices to be issued.

"Work is underway to complete the assessment of the remaining streets and this will help us understand whether the introduction of other parking controls is appropriate or whether an exemption from the ban is necessary. The completion date for this work has still to be confirmed."

What to expect:

Glasgow City Council will soon commence issuing penalty charges of £100 to vehicles parked on pavements with the possibility of also removing your vehicle.


The warning notice reads: "A nationwide ban on pavement parking came into effect on 11 December 2023. You have received this warning notice because you are parked illegally in contravention of the above noted legislation.

"Glasgow City Council will soon commence issuing penalty charge notices of £100 to vehicles parked on pavements with the possibility of also removing your vehicle.

"Please, DO NOT park at this location in the future.

"Parking laws have also changed in regard to double parking and parking across a dropped kerb crossing point, making it illegal."

Many city residents who require street parking have concerns. Speaking to a Shawlands local who requires a van for work he said: "If all the cars are forced to park on the pavement I will simply not be able to drive down my street without taking everyone's wingmirrors off. I don't understand how this can be implemented - what do they expect us to do? There's still plenty of room on the pavement".


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Another raised concerns over the parking in emergency situations, saying: "An ambulance or fire crew would not be able to enter the street if we can't park on the kerb slightly. It's worrying".

In keeping the requirements of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019, Glasgow’s initial assessment of city streets found there will be no exemption from the pavement parking ban where parking restrictions are already in place or where the road is at least 7.5 metres wide, which allows safe passage for a fire engine when cars are parked on both side of the road.

All parking fines in Glasgow, which will include fines for pavement parking, double parking and drop kerb parking, will be £100, reduced to £50 if paid within fourteen days.

Check the status of your street here.

And for further information, visit Glasgow City Council's dedicated page here.

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