How to recycle Leicester waste collection bin tags

Leicester bin and orange recycling bags out for collection
-Credit:Leicester City Council

People across Leicester found tags on their bins in the weeks before Christmas, alerting them to changes to waste collections over the festive period, and reminding them to recycle. But moving into January, some residents have been left wondering whether the tags themselves should go in the general waste or in the city’s recycling orange bags.

The answer is not immediately obvious, because the tags are made of plastic-covered paper, and mixed materials can be tricky to recycle. LeicestershireLive approached Leicester City Council to get clarity around the rules for disposing of them.

The regulations on whether rubbish can be recycled or not vary from item to item, a spokeswoman for the council said. For example, Tetrapak-style packaging, such as soup or milk cartons, can go in the orange bags, as can envelopes with plastic windows, despite them being made from mixed materials. However, some laminated paper or card cannot be recycled via the orange bags, and plasticised foils such as crisps packets, chocolate wrappers and food pouches are also not accepted - though can be returned to large supermarkets via their soft plastics recycling bins, usually found near the main doors.


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The recycling tags attached to bins in Leicester are suitable for recycling, the spokeswoman said. They can be put in the city's orange bags.

The council specifically designed them to be both “robust enough to last for several days on the bins” if needed, but also to still be able to be recycled after people were done with them, she said. Any residents seeking more information about what can and cannot go in the city’s orange bags can find a guide on the Leicester City Council website, the spokeswoman said.