Resident hits out over broken streetlight 'hazards' left from Bonfire Night
A Middlesbrough resident is unhappy with the state of a grass strip and a broken streetlight between the road and pavement near her house.
Laura, 42, of Cotswold Avenue, complained of "dangerous safety hazards" such as burnt rubbish and "a large patch of burnt grass from a fire that occurred on November 5, 2023", which she describes as "not only an eyesore but also a fire hazard".
In 2023, Cleveland Fire Brigade released images of a previous bonfire night showing the extent of the damage to the environment caused by fires.
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Laura also explained there was a further bonfire on November 5, 2024, and that the streetlight, next to the burnt patch of grass, has not worked since. She outlined that the hazards are located behind Cotswold Avenue and Cargo Fleet Lane. The resident set out her views that the exposed wire was an “electrical hazard pos[ing] a serious risk of injury to anyone passing by, particularly children”.
She added: “This situation cannot continue. It is crucial that action is taken immediately to resolve these issues and ensure the safety and well-being of local residents.”
A Middlesbrough Council spokesman said: “Four streetlights were reported as broken in November, with three fixed immediately and the fourth due to be repaired this month. Middlesbrough Council takes dumping and burning rubbish very seriously and will continue its efforts to always bring fly-tippers to justice.”
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