Rise and shine! How to create a mood-boosting morning routine

Most of us don't want to get out of bed in the morning and struggle to feel awake and ready for a day's work.

But how you start your morning can really set you up for the rest of the day. So how can you start it in a positive way?

According to Claudia Dumond, Holistic Health Coach & Founder of Minimondo, a SLOW morning routine is the way forward.

She has the lowdown:

S for Self-Love

"Start with something healthy that will bring you joy - a smooth coffee, a warm brew, a juicy smoothie, your scrumptious overnight oats, a short meditation, some movement," Claudia suggests.

L for Light up your senses


"Find different ways to inspire yourself to feel alive - light a candle, set up aromatherapy smells, listen to calm music or a motivational podcast, give yourself a face massage," the expert recommends.

O for One more minute

"Extend one of these morning rituals by just one extra minute - so just before you're about to stop and move on to the next thing, stop yourself and hang on for just one more minute," Claudia explains. "See how this makes you feel immediately more present."

W for Writing

"Write down your daily intentions with the following statement - 'Today I choose to (think about emotions and behaviours, not a to-do list)' e.g. be kind, be present with my kids, stop in nature for 10 mins, smile when I least feel like it, act with more compassion. Remember this statement throughout the day to keep you grounded," the health coach says.


If you're still not sure about how to structure your mornings, Claudia advises stacking your habits - like doing a face massage and meditation simultaneously - to be more efficient with your time, and planning what you'd like to achieve before work.

"When starting out it's worth thinking about all the things you'd like to do in the mornings, then writing it down and planning it out with timings and a checklist. That way you can follow your schedule every day until it becomes innate routine," the expert says.

Claudia recommends trying different morning routines to find which one works best for you through trial and error.

She concludes, "See how a SLOW morning routine will help you feel just that little bit more present and intentional. A SLOW morning routine will help you start your day in a way that brings you joy and gives you the illusion of giving you just that little bit more 'me time'."