Road in Woking was blocked after car hit bus

The vehicle collided with the bus in Woking

Drivers reported a blocked road in Woking between Knaphill and Goldsworth Park, after a bus and car collided. Eye witnesses reported that Kirkland Avenue was closed off, so officers could resolve the situation.

The incident was reported by onlookers on Wednesday, January 1 at 12.30pm. Witnesses were warning other drivers to avoid Kirkland Avenue as a result of the crash.

Congestion built in surrounding areas according to Google Maps via Clifton Way and Denton Way. Police were on the scene and dealing with the incident, Stagecoach, which operates the bus service, is now running an investigation into what happened.


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Photos provided to SurreyLive show a car had gone into the back of the bus, with the bonnet crumpled. Details have not yet emerged into the circumstances of the crash.

A spokesperson for Stagecoach South: "We can confirm that a car collided with one of our vehicles on Kirkland Avenue on January 29. Thankfully there were no injuries, safety is our absolute priority, and we will carry out a full investigation into the circumstances."

SurreyLive has contacted Surrey Police for comment.

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