'I have been robbed of my daughter' - Kiena Dawes' mum lays out the horror of losing her daughter after domestic abuse

Angela Dawes, mother of Kiena Dawes, speaking after the trial
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

The mother of a young mum who took her own life after suffering domestic abuse at the hands of her cruel boyfriend says she has been 'robbed of a daughter'.

Angela Dawes wrote a moving impact statement which was read in full as Ryan Wellings was jailed for six years for the assault and coercive control of Angela's daughter Kiena.

Kiena was just 23 when she took her own life on a railway line near Garstang, leaving behind her own nine-month-old baby girl. In a note on her mobile phone she said she had been 'tortured' and 'bullied to death' by Wellings.

READ MORE: Why hasn't Ryan Wellings been jailed for longer?


READ MORE: 'Monster' Ryan Wellings' new girlfriend laid flowers for dead Kiena Dawes in sick twist

Wellings was found not guilty of manslaughter following a six week trial at Preston Crown Court. However the jury found he was guilty of controlling and coercive behaviour towards Kiena over the course of their two and a half year relationship.

Ryan Wellingswas found guilty of assault and prolonged domestic violence towards his partner, 23-year-old Kiena Dawes
Ryan Wellings was found guilty of assault and prolonged domestic violence towards his partner, 23-year-old Kiena Dawes -Credit:Lancs Police

They also found him guilty of an assault on July 11, 2022, just 11 days before Kiena died, in which Wellings slammed a door into Kiena's head causing her to black out on the floor of their flat in Fleetwood. After the attack, Kiena was treated in hospital and felt so traumatised by the image of coming round to see her baby daughter looking at her whie she bled on the floor, she took steps to move out of the flat.

Wellings showed no emtion as prosecution barrister Paul Greaney KC read the statement from Kiena's mother to a packed courtroom.


Angela said: "I have found it almost impossible to put into words just how big of an impact losing Kiena has been. On all her family, her beautiful baby girl and all her friends.

"Kiena was a rare gem. She brought so much love and kindness to this world and to everyone who loved her, she was an extremely beautiful girl, and was quite truly the sweetest kindest and gentlest person I have ever known.

Kiena Dawes
Kiena Dawes 'fairytale' turned into a horror story -Credit:Lancs Police

"Kiena is missed so much every second of every day. Her baby girl was brought to my home a few hours after Kiena was found, and has been in my full time care ever since that tragic day, and I honestly cannot put into words just how much it breaks my heart that her beautiful baby doesn’t have her Mummy here because of that monster.

"I’ll never forget the day when three CID officers came to my house shortly after I lost Kiena. I simply said 'Ryan Wellings killed my baby' and I will fight for her justice.


"I have been robbed of watching my daughter live her life, and her baby girl has been robbed of her Mummy. I will never get to hold any other children that Kiena may have had in the future or watch Kiena live her life as she should have.

"As her daugher grows into a young lady herself, she has been robbed herself of a Mum to go to, or when she has children herself, her own mother to turn to, but I will step into this role for Kiena. I will never be able to live a normal life due to the coercive and controlling behaviour and assaults that Kiena suffered.

Kiena Dawes with her baby daughter
Kiena Dawes with her baby daughter

"On many occasions, inclusive of July 11, 2022, Kiena's daugher was exposed to and witnessed extreme domestic abuse and violence against her Mummy. I work through this to the best of my ability and will continue to do so as she grows into a young lady but I am worried about the long-term impact of that on her.

"I truly believe that a baby should feel safe in their own home, and that this abuse will have a life-long impact. As much as her Mummy tried to keep her safe, there were times when Kiena had to flee the house with her daughter because of Welling’s behaviour."


Angela has since been diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety and suffers frequent nightmares. She has moved house as she could not bear to remain in her home, which was next to a railway track.

She has been unable to return to work and her plans for the rest of her career and retirement now look completely different. However she said it is an 'honour and a privilege' to be raising Kiena's daughter.

She said: "I feel like I have lived Kiena’s domestic abuse with her, and what I mean by this is that I was her main source of support, and I experienced the full range of emotions that Kiena had to go through with her. I was so scared of saying the wrong thing to Kiena, as I needed her to know that she could come to me anytime and I didn’t want her to close up.

"There were times that I would find out that things had happened a couple of days afterwards, such as the black eye in July 2021, and I know that sometimes Kiena tried to protect me by not saying things.

"As a mother, you do everything that you can to help your child and I have had to live through watching my daughter tell me that she was terrified and trapped, and when she said these things, it literally took my breath away, as I didn’t know how to help, I felt helpless.

Kiena Dawes
Kiena Dawes suffered a campaign of abuse against her

"After an incident with Wellings, Kiena would come to be safe and stay with me, I can only explain that I would see a light coming back on, and that she would get some strength, but Wellings always found a way to take back control and take her strength away. It is heart-wrenching to see your child hurt from anything, even by accident, but seeing your daughter hurt by someone else is sickening.

"Kiena always took my advice, and she always asked for help and she tried to do the right thing. She was my best friend and I have struggled to do the things that we used to do together, for example we would often go for tea together.

"I have shut a lot of people out of my life to just get through the days, and to protect her daughter and myself. Fortunately, my friends and family are understanding of this and always there for me."

Angela also spoke of the trauma of having to sit through a six-week trial. She said: "Wellings has never admitted to the awful acts he committed against my daughter.

"I have had to watch the private life of my daughter pulled apart and her mental health scrutinised and assessed. She has been violated. There is no other word for it.

"It has also been extremely traumatic for me to see Kiena so upset talking to police officers and to look back retrospectively at her so helpless in life and reaching out for help, knowing what ultimately happened to her.

Kiena's injuries from the assault on July 11, 2022
Kiena's injuries from the assault on July 11, 2022 -Credit:Lancs Police

"Watching videos of her crying and upset whilst also pregnant or cuddling her baby has been horrific. It is hard enough to watch videos of her having fun and laughing.

"Ryan Wellings has put me through all that. He could have pleaded guilty to the offences and we would never have faced all that, with the eyes of the public on us all. This has been a trauma in itself.

"Whenever Wellings is released from prison, I will be extremely concerned that he will do this again, he is a dangerous man. I am at a loss as to consider what impact him being released from prison will have on other women and children.

"What my future holds now is being strong enough to raise Kiena's daughter. I cannot accept what has happened to Kiena and that as a result of this, she is not here. I have been robbed of my daughter."

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