Scottish Pantry Network granted more than £7000 to help equip new training kitchen

More than £7000 has been granted to the Scottish Pantry Network who want to set up a new training kitchen in Tollcross

The Scottish Pantry Network, which is designed to support organisations establish pantries within their local communities by providing expert advice and step by step guidance, now want to promote healthy eating through developing meal kits

At yesterday’s Shettleston area partnership committee funding of £7072 was requested to support the set-up of a new training kitchen at 213 Braidfauld Street by purchasing equipment.

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The move to Tollcross will allow the organisation to host their existing charitable activities alongside the new projects, the meal kit production and food distribution hub.

The meal kit project has been developed as an employability project in partnership with Jobs and Business Glasgow and local people will be prioritised for places on the programme.

It is hoped that the kitchen will also be able to accommodate up to nine trainees and one community chef.

Space in the building will also be made available for the community, the organisation is planning to offer community cooking courses.

A total of £70,000 funding has already been secured for the refurbishment of the building and employee costs.

Councillor Frank McAveety said: “I am supportive of this as the contribution we are making is modest compared to the overall cost.”

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Councillor Thomas Kerr added: “There is an overall benefit supporting the project so I would agree [with councillor McAveety.”