The Secret To Quickly De-Icing Your Car Is Hidden In Your Kitchen Drawer

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As if going to work and coming home in the dark wasn’t bad enough, most drivers also have to face the miserable reality of de-icing their car first thing in the morning for months on end during these chilly months.

It’s the best, really.

That’s before we’ve even discussed the endless hassle of finding the de-icer that works, that you can afford and which won’t leave grim residue over the windscreen for the rest of the day.

However, some GENIUS has found an ideal solution for clearing icy windows and all you need is a sandwich bag.

How to de-ice your car using a sandwich bag

In a YouTube video, Marshals Tips shared that if you fill a sandwich bag with warm tap water, a touch of boiling water and then seal it, you have the ideal window-clearing tool.

The presenter explained that by using this technique, you don’t harm your hands with the cold or the window itself, as he demonstrated clearing ice off the window seamlessly.


Another creator on TikTok, Nicole Jacques, also swears by this technique but urges: “NEVER pour hot or warm water directly into you windshield as it’ll crack but the warm baggie trick works in 30 seconds.”

Of course, it’s also worth pointing out that you should then dry down the window with a microfibre cloth to prevent the melted ice from refreezing and putting you right back at square one.

How to protect your car against frost

On their website, the car experts at Kwik-Fit say: “Believe it or not, a poorly-maintained windscreen can result in an MOT fail — but perhaps more importantly, an accident. The regular maintenance of your windscreen area plus a good de-frosting technique can’t be underestimated.

“In general, keeping your windscreen clean and free of debris will also help make those winter mornings easier. So, make sure that your windscreen washer fluid topped up and that your wiper blades are working properly.”
