Sick stalker turned up at woman's house years after relationship ended
A sick stalker has been given one last chance after spending eight months behind bars.
Married dad Khuram Hussain, 36, admitted the stalking offence, which related to another woman who he had a brief relationship with back in 2017, and on Friday was made the subject of a 30-month community order.
Prosecutor David Ward told Bradford Crown Court that the stalking offence covered a period between September 2023 and April last year although the relationship had broken down in 2017. Mr Ward said Hussain would turn up at the woman’s house in his car in the early hours with music blasting out and he would call her 30-40 times a day.
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Hussain was said to have made a threat to kidnap the woman, but when he was initially arrested he claimed that the complainant had been making up the allegations against him.
On the day of his trial in October last year Hussain, of Cragg Lane, Thornton, Bradford, finally told the truth and admitted the stalking offence. In a victim impact statement referred to by Mr Ward the woman described how Hussain's manipulative behaviour had been wearing her down and left her feeling isolated.
The court was told that Hussain, who had previous convictions for drugs offences, violence and dishonesty, had spent 240 days on remand since May last year.
Barrister Khalid Al Hassan, for the Hussain, said his client had now expressed genuine remorse for his offending and there was no chance of him contacting the complainant again. Mr Al Hassan said Hussain was now a very different individual from the man who went into custody and the judge heard evidence from the defendant’s wife and brother about his changed attitudes.
His wife said he was now a lot calmer and a lot more respectful and his brother told the court that Hussain had stopped taking drugs and it was like he had “got his brother back".
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Judge Ahmed Nadim told Hussain: ”You have demonstrated by your past character and the offending behaviour that brings you before the court that you are a deceitful and manipulative individual. You have no respect or regard for any relationship. You are misogynistic in your approach to your partners and you have violent tendencies.”
The judge said Hussain had carried on his deceitful and manipulative behaviour by giving a false account to the author of his pre-sentence report. Judge Nadim said he had decided to impose a 30-month community order with a requirement to comply with any accredited programmes after hearing evidence from the family members about the change in Hussain’s behaviour.
He explained that he was prepared to give him a “last chance”, but warned Hussain that if he breached the order in any way he would go to prison. The judge said: "I reserve all breaches to myself. I do hope for your sake, and your family’s sake, that you do not let me down. Your family members may be powerless, but I am not and I will make sure you pay for any further wrongdoing hereafter.”
The judge also imposed a 10-year restraining order which bans Hussain from contacting the victim in the case or going to her address.