Cautious Bobcat Sidesteps Electrified Bear-Deterrent Mat

A bobcat was seen narrowly sidestepping an electrified bear-deterrent mat outside a building in northern California on January 12, leading a wildlife expert to comment that the cat seemed to know about the zap the “unwelcome mat” would deliver.

This footage captured by wildlife photographer Toogee Sielsch shows the bobcat approaching the electric bear mat in South Lake Tahoe on Sunday. The bobcat can be seen looking at the mat before walking off in a different direction.

“The bobcat seems to know what happens when you walk on a bear mat,” Sielsch told Storyful.

Sielsch said he placed the bear mat outside a crawlspace entrance after a black bear had broken into it in December. Credit: Toogee Sielsch via Storyful