Six benefits of yoga for severe sleep deprivation

Practicing yoga is positive for your mental and physical wellbeing  -
Practicing yoga is positive for your mental and physical wellbeing -

It's a well known fact that sleep disorders such as insomnia are endemic in our stress-filled, caffeine-driven contemporary lifestyles. In a recent study, it was shown that Britons are the world's most 'sleep deprived' people, with 37 per cent of the population reporting that they regularly don't get enough shut eye

The health implications of sleep deprivation are equally shocking. It's been shown that when the brain is starved of sleep, its synapses begin to be 'eaten' by other cells in the brain. What's more, a lack of sleep can trigger the release of a chemical in the brain that leads to Alzheimers disease, and even that it's physically 'as bad as smoking'

The effects are also felt in our wallets. A recent study showed that sleep deprivation costs the UK economy a staggering £40 billion a year, due to people missing work and then under-performing because of exhaustion.  

So, how can we begin to tackle this epidemic? One activity that's been proven to help sufferers of insomnia and severe sleep deprivation is yoga. Yoga's soporific force appears to have a duel action: it helps to give you a thorough workout, tiring your muscles; and its natural mindfulness helps to release pent up stress.

Below, we outline the top five benefits that yoga has on sleep, from reducing anxiety, to allowing your central nervous system to close down. Namaste and good night! 

1. Yoga revives the body 

yoga body sleep  - Credit: Corey Jenkins/Image Source 
Yoga helps to revive the body by aiding the release of toxins as well as increasing the circulation of oxygen Credit: Corey Jenkins/Image Source

There are two main ways that yoga helps to revive the body. It aids the release of toxins that can get stored in tissues and organs, and also, the complex breathing exercises increase the circulation of oxygen, which is vital to replenishing the body.

One way to improve sleep is to do a burst of yoga before bedtime. Start your practice with a short meditation, then follow with a seated twist, a cross legged bend, knees-to-chest pose, half happy baby, and a reclining twist. Make sure to stay focused on your breathing throughout, as you allow the stresses and strains that have built up over the day to drift away.

2. Yoga relieves stress and anxiety 

Stress anxiety  - Credit: Paul Bradbury /Getty Images
Stress and anxiety can deeply impair our ability to turn off and fall asleep at night Credit: Paul Bradbury /Getty Images

Stress and anxiety are mental states of unease, but they have many physical implications, including issues with your immune system, digestion and sleep. According to one study, 70 per cent of people suffering from anxiety and stress also have trouble sleeping, so combating that stress is essential to being able to have a good night's rest.

Yoga reduces the body's natural stress responses, functioning like other self soothing practices such as socialising with friends, or meditation. By reducing perceived stress and anxiety, it lowers heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. 

3. Yoga unwinds the nervous system 

yoga meditation - Credit: /
Yoga and meditation help relieve mental stress and anxiety Credit: /

The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord, and is responsible for reacting to sensory stimulation. When we drift off to sleep, hormone levels change in the brain, meaning that the central nervous system goes into a different mode – essentially one that allows us to become unconscious.

Yoga can aid this process, by increasing blood flow to the brain's central sleep centre, and stimulating glands that are responsible for releasing the hormones that are essential to sleeping. 

4. Yoga can provide a nightly ritual 

Blue light screens - Credit: Medeni / Alamy /Alamy
Blue light from screens confuses your body into thinking it's time to wake up Credit: Medeni / Alamy /Alamy

Do you often find yourself stuck to your iPad, smartphone, or television set just before bed, only to then lie awake for hours tossing and turning?

The blue light that's emitted from screens is terrible for the brain's ability to sleep, because it mimics daylight and thus confusing the central nervous system, which thinks it must be day time and so releases cortisol - the 'stress' hormone.

Instead of texting your mates before bed, try doing a few yoga poses before sleep. They'll give you the self discipline not to look at screens, release some tension, and lull you into the relaxed frame of mind that's necessary for sleeping. 

5. Yoga improves the overall quality of our sleep 

yoga sleep  - Credit: /Alamy Stock Photo
Yoga improves the quality of your sleep, allowing you to feel more refreshed the next day! Credit: /Alamy Stock Photo

Practicing yoga regularly not only improves your ability to fall asleep, but also the quality of that sleep when you finally drop off.

In one study, patients suffering from insomnia were given a basic yoga training, then asked to practice it every day for eight weeks. The researchers found an improvement to several aspects of their sleep, including the amount of time it took for them to drop off; a reduction in the amount of times they woke up in the night; the duration of time between waking; and the total amount of time they slept each night. 

Yoga provides the basis for a sustainable, long-term healthy lifestyle. By making it part of your day-to-day routine, you receive the benefits of the physical low-impact exercise and the mental benefits of reduced stress and anxiety - both essential to better sleep. 

6. Yoga evokes peace and calm 

sleep  - Credit: VOISIN 
Yoga evokes peace and calm, ideal for sleep! Credit: VOISIN

Yoga provides one with an undeniable sense of peace, calm and serenity. The mixture of postures that are often held for a long period of time, a relaxing setting, evocative music, and gentle instructions combine to create a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere – all essential to falling asleep. If practiced before bed, yoga can mentally and physically prepare us for our shut eye. It's the ideal way to wind down after a busy and stressful day.