Somerset fundraisers take on military challenge to support mental health
A team of Mind in Somerset supporters from south and west Somerset are planning to raise £14,000 by climbing in the Brecon Beacons this summer.
Already in 2023 they raised £36,000 by climbing the Three Peaks in less than 24 hours, so they will have raised £50,000 by the time they return to base camp on July 12.
They hope to complete their loop in 12 hours on the Pen y Fan known as The Fan Dance route, which is used for military training.
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Together they will have done a circular climb totalling nearly 1,000 kilometres – 30km each.
“That’s five times the height of Everest,” says organiser Harvey Morris of Set Squared Recruitment in Taunton, who is working with team leader Adam Herron of nGAGE Talent.
“We’ve got plenty of group training planned, starting in March and personally again I shall be inspired by my friend Jack who took his life five years ago.
“We’re donating the sum to Mind in Somerset as their excellent Suicide Support Bereavement Service really helped me at the time.”
“We think our Mind in Somerset Warriors as they call themselves are fantastic!” says Vicky Poole, Fundraising Manager at the mental health charity. “And we are incredibly grateful to them for their heroics and all the money they are raising to help us fund our 57 services across the county.”
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