How to squat: the toning exercise that everyone should be doing

muscle building leg exercises squats gym techniques personal trainer how squat properly - Lucie Wicker
muscle building leg exercises squats gym techniques personal trainer how squat properly - Lucie Wicker

Almost all exercise routines and training programmes incorporate the squat in some way, but many of us are still not using it to its full effect despite the undeniable benefits.

"Squatting is a natural movement for us, we are evolved to be comfortable in a squat position, it is a range of motion and comfort we should work hard to maintain or regain if we have lost it," said Scott Laidler, a film industry personal trainer from London.

This is an idea echoed by Joe Mitton, a personal trainer and founder of MitFitt. He says that he uses squats with “99 per cent of his clients.”

“They’re beneficial because they hit so many muscle groups," he says. "When you squat, you’re engaging your glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves and ankles. If you’re doing weighted squats, then you’re using your upper body to stabilise the movement, making it a full body workout," he said.

Mitton says that squats can be particularly beneficial for clients with muscle pain. “When I see clients with back pain, the first thing I work on is the glutes,” he said. This is because having tight glutes anteriorly tilts the pelvis, causing back pain. “By mobilising the glutes, and keeping our hips active - which is what squats do - people will have reduced back pain, easier movement and better posture,” he added.

personal trainer exercise health and fitness squat toning muscle building exercises
personal trainer exercise health and fitness squat toning muscle building exercises

The best thing about squats is that they require no equipment and can be done virtually anywhere. However, for first-timers, Mitton maintains it's crucial to start slow and build up, ideally by using a chair. That way, if you lose your balance you have something to fall back on. Despite being a relatively simple exercise, Mitton says the biggest mistake he sees people make is “focusing solely on trying to get as low as possible.”

“Different age groups have different levels of stability. I like my clients to make sure they’re sitting into it, feet flat on the floor and hip length apart. Sometimes people can put too much force through their lower backs. Instead, the spine should be neutral and the core embraced; that way, you can really sit into the position,” he said.

How to do squats correctly

Whether you're a seasoned squatter or a newbie, we can all benefit from some professional guidance. "For the perfect squat you should seek first to perfect bodyweight squat and then explore squats that incorporate resistance equipment, like weights or bands," said Scott Laidler.

Scott's top squat tips:

  • Start by standing with your feet slightly wider than your hips with feet rotated out approximately 20 degrees.

  • Look straight out in front of you focusing on a spot to fixate on through your movement, this keeps your spine neutral and aligned.

  • Put your arms out in front of you and keep them parallel to the ground.

  • Ensure that the weight is distributed through the heels and balls of your feet (not your toes)

  • Brace your body throughout the moment staying tight (as if preparing to be punched in the stomach)

  • As you descend keep your knees in line with your feet. Do not let them rotate inward.

  • When your hip joint is slightly lower than your knees, this is called being parallel'.

  • From this point stand back up staying tight breathing deeply and continuing to push your knees outward. Engage your glutes.

Best squat variations

Jump squat

Start standing with your feet hip distance apart and lower yourself into a squat position by bending the knees. It is important that you keep your spine straight and chest lifted.

Then jump straight upwards and swing your arms above your head. When your feet touch the floor once again, return straight into a squat.

Frog squat

Start standing with your feet hip distance apart with your arms outstretched in front of you. Push your hips back and bend your knees into a squat position.

Lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel to the ground and bring your fingers down to touch the floor, inhaling while doing so.

Exhale as you push yourself back up into the standing position.

Squat kickback

Start with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart and lower yourself into a squat. Then, as you stand back up, transfer your weight to one leg and kick back with the opposite leg.

Return to your starting position and repeat the exercise on the opposite leg.

Side step squat

For your starting position, stand with your feet together. With your right foot, take a wide step out to the right and lower yourself gently down into a squat.

Then, as you straighten the legs, step your right foot back in before repeating on the left side. This counts as one repetition.

Bulgarian split squat

This exercise will require the use of a small box or step. To start, stand around two feet in front of the box and extend your right leg backwards to rest on top of it.

Then, to complete the squat, bend your knees and lower your body weight down until your right knee gently touches the floor before returning to your starting position.

Repeat the exercise for the opposite leg.

How many squats should you do a day?

There are no exact rules to how many squats you should be doing a day. But experts recommend that beginners start slow and work up to higher numbers as they get more confident. A general rule is that you should start by doing 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps of one type of squat. This equates to a maximum of 45 squats in a session.

What are the benefits of squats?

Squats can be incredibly beneficial as they engage your glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves and ankles - which means strength and toning is not just limited to one part of the body.

Additionally, as with any form of exercise, you will be burning calories.

Scott Laidler is a personal trainer and personal development coach based in London. Contact Scott at for personal training and online fitness coaching.