State pensioners born in these years could get automatic £100 Winter Fuel Payment increase

Some people are eligible for an extra £100
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

Millions of state pensioners have been without their £300 Winter Fuel Payment this winter after the benefit became means tested. The Winter Fuel Payment was previously paid automatically to all state pensioners.

But the rules were changed which means you have to be claiming a qualifying benefit such as Pension Credit to be eligible. But many people are not aware that even if they do qualify, the amount of Winter Fuel Payment they receive may be different.

The amount you get is based on when you were born and your circumstances between September 16 and 22, 2024. This is called the 'qualifying week'.


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Those of State Pension age but under 80 - so born on or before September 22, 1958 - will get a £200 payment. Those aged over 80 - so born September 23, 1944 or earlier - will get £300.

You can backdate Pension Credit claims until December, Express reports. This means that if you are now aged over 80 and qualify, your Winter Fuel Payment will be increased from £200 to £300.

Most people who qualify will receive a letter telling them how much they should be getting and which bank account it will be paid into. This will usually be the same as your Pension Credit or other benefits in spring.

Age UK said: "If you or your partner claims Pension Credit, Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or income-related Employment and Support Allowance, the payment should go to the main claimant of the benefit automatically. You should receive your payment between mid-November and Christmas. Call the Winter Fuel Payment helpline on 0800 731 0160 if you have any enquiries or you don't receive your payment."