Stoke-on-Trent street looks like this as homeless rifle through clothes bank
Families plagued by anti-social behaviour have won their long-running battle to have CCTV installed. Residents in Rose Street, Northwood, say their lives have been made a misery by a small number of individuals who hang around and sleep rough in the alleyway behind their homes.
They say the drugged-up and drunk group use the area as a toilet; leave bottles and syringes; and take clothes from a nearby clothes bank and leave them strewn across the alley.
Now residents have welcomed news that Stoke-on-Trent City Council has agreed to install CCTV. It is hoped the camera will deter the offenders from their anti-social behaviour and it will also provide the authority with evidence in the event of any prosecutions.
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Pensioner Geoff Glover, aged 78, who has lived in Rose Street all his life, said: "They have used the area in front of my garage and my neighbours' garage, which are set back, as a toilet. We have raised these issues with the council for three years. They leave broken bottles everywhere. There was poo right outside my neighbour's gate.
"I do not feel safe in my house. Somebody has kicked my garage. I fear someone has tried to force their way through. You do not know what they are capable of. They are drugged-up. I have a mobility scooter but I daren't use it. If I went out on it and it was dark I do not know who is going to be sitting there.
"Every week they get clothes left from the clothes bank outside the Co-op and bring them to outside the garage. They go through them and just leave them there. I hope the camera will act as a deterrent."
Marianne Roberts, aged 57, said: "It has been going on for years. I have noticed it more lately, since we have had the clothes bin at the bottom of the road. They have been taking the clothes and leaving them strewn all over the place.
"When I take the dog for a walk I have been greeted with a bare bottom, someone injecting themselves, and someone pooing.
"I would like the alleyway gated off. I do not feel safe in the alley. I won't walk to them because I do not know what they are going to do. I have had to move needles on the floor because of my dog.
"If you walk up the back, you will see poo. The camera will act as a deterrent. The sooner the camera is up the better."
Neighbour Paul Weaver, aged 58, added: "It doesn't help with the bins being at the Co-op because the homeless pile in them. I would welcome the camera. It should act as a deterrent."
The Rose Street issues were raised at the latest meeting of Northwood Residents' Association.
An association spokesman said: "Issues on Rose Street have been reported. As a result a rapid deployment camera will be placed in the area. The Salvation Army clothing bin will be moved to a better location on site."
StokeonTrentLive has approached Stoke-on-Trent City Council for a statement following the issues.
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