Stoke-on-Trent's side streets 'like ice rinks' as calls for more grit 'go unanswered'

The new grit bin at the top of Axbridge Walk Smallthorne
-Credit:Kerry Ashdown

Fed-up residents living on estates across Stoke-on-Trent say their streets are more like 'ice rinks' as their calls for grit bins to be topped up 'go unanswered'. Stoke-on-Trent City Council's gritters have kept main roads clear during the prolonged cold snap.

But StokeonTrentLive readers say side streets are now lethal after most of the grit has been used up. There have been multiple reports of minor crashes across the Potteries as drivers lose control in the icy conditions, including in Eastwood Road, Hanley.

Now two councillors who represent Meir Hay North, Parkhall and Weston Coyney have been carrying out stock checks of all the grit bins on their ward in the hope of getting them topped up as the temperatures continue to dip below freezing.


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One resident said: "People would gladly throw some grit on the side roads if only there was grit in the bins A job that really should be done before the bad weather."

Another added: : "There's grit bins but there's never any grit in them. It ran out days go and hasn't been topped up despite it being refilled. The council should keep them topped up."

A third resident had issued with their car skidding. They said: "The roads are absolutely horrible out there especially the side roads, I was on the way to do the school run and lost control. My car sliding all over the place, luckily I managed to save it in time before hitting any other cars and then sliding right through a junction just as school kids where coming home as well."


A fourth added: "The council should be made to grit side streets on foot. We still have to get out for appointments and get to schools with children and shopping. The council needs to get a grip on this situations and at least fill the grit boxes."

And a fifth said: "There should be full grit bins on every street that's on an incline at minimum. For as often as it'll be used it's not going to break the council's budget. I'm sure residents will gladly spread it themselves to make life easier for each other."

Conservatives councillors Ross Irving and Craig Beardmore have been checking grit bins in their wards - except the ones that have been too dangerous to reach on foot due to the icy conditions.

Writing on their joint Facebook page, they said: "Over the last couple of days we’ve been out and checked grit bins (where it’s safe - ironic we know ) and reported lots of them. We have also raised with the director of the service as well as the chief executive of the council the issues that we and residents have faced when reporting them only for that not to be followed up, leaving communities in a dangerous situation and leaving some folks stranded.

"They agreed to address this immediately and we think this is having some effect as some of the bins have been tended to. Below is a list of bins we’ve checked and if we reported them or not.


"If we haven’t been able to get to the one by you yet and you are able to check it for us and let us know if it has any grit in it, that would be really helpful. Thank you to everyone across the area that has been out and gritted the roads by them - your efforts are appreciated by everyone!

"Remember - if the grit bin by you is empty, please let us know and then borrow some grit from one of the others for the time being. No sense in having some bins full when some streets are struggling."

The list of grit bins the councillors have checked:

Moss Green:

Banksman Rd - refill requested

Pear Place - refill requested

Canary Rd - refill requested

Adderley Green:

Wolstern Rd - full

Ashridge Grove - full

Meir Hay:

Worth Close - 1/2 full - refill requested

Linnburn Rd (on the Forrister St bend) - full


Amison St (by Souldern Way) - full

St Mary’s:

St. Mary’s Rd - refill requested

Marlow Rd - refill requested

Nyewood Rd (top and bottom) - refills requested

Park Hall:

Delaney Drive (green one) - full

Delaney Drive ( yellow one) - refill requested

Defoe Drive - refill requested

Swift Place - refill requested

Harrington Drive (top and bottom) - refills requested

Lowell Drive - refill requested (I believe this one has been done)

Glandore Rd - refill requested

Carberry Way - refill requested

Horton Drive estate:

Oswald Ave - green bin - refill requested

Englesea Ave - green bin - refill requested

Fernlea Grove (top and bottom) - refills requested

Coupe Drive - refill requested

Weston Heights:

Bath St - asked for this to be stood back up

Heathcote Rise - refill requested

Main St - 3/4 full

East St - refill requested

Lynn St - refill requested

Weston Coyney:

Coppice Grove - refill requested

Brookview Drive - full

Axon Crescent - refills requested

Michael Close - green bin - refill requested

StokeonTrentLive has approached Stoke-on-Trent City Council for a statement.

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