'Stop closing car parks' plea as parking in Derby could reach crisis level
A top Derby councillor has reassured the public that there is ample parking in the city centre, despite fears of a looming "serious situation". Last year, during a Derby City Council regeneration scrutiny meeting, concerns were raised about the availability of parking spaces, especially with the impending closure of the Assembly Rooms car park due to the building's demolition. Derbyshire Live readers are concerned that the lack of car parking spaces is going to mean fewer people shopping in the city centre.
Although the demolition was later postponed, the car park did not reopen, forcing visitors to find alternative parking solutions. Mickleover Conservative councillor Matthew Holmes urged swift action from the council in anticipation of the influx of visitors expected for the opening of the Becketwell Arena later this year.
Last month, reports indicated that around 1,500 parking spaces had vanished from the city centre, including the loss of 830 spaces from the shutdown of the Riverside multi-storey car park in 2023. Addressing these concerns in July, Councillor Carmel Swan, cabinet member for transport, stated that the council was "in the process of developing a new parking strategy that will provide the appropriate quantity and quality of parking spaces in the city".
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Derbyshire Live commenter Emileeee says: “Once again, as is often the case in public services, a reactive approach is being used, "oh dear, there's a problem, let's deal with it" No! The city has been changing these last few years. This plan should have been thought out 5 or 10 years ago ready to implement before many of the changes happened to facilitate many of them seamlessly into the new developments. It's not rocket science, just plain old forward planning and common sense!
"But no, here we are with a changed city, trying to attract the public to new venues and a local traffic plan not even down in writing yet and very little easily accessible parking for said visitors.”
Misoldrope2022 asks: “Do the council members work in the city or from home? Do they ever try public transport? Have they ever tried to carry shopping back in the rain and wait 30 mins for a bus? I'm not making a case for more cars or more parking. I am, however, absolutely sure that without suitable parking options or public transport infrastructure improvements, more and more people will choose to take their business elsewhere. In fact, I'm nearly convinced that's their intention.”
Nitanitro thinks: “There is enough parking if you are willing to take a short walk. The problem is for those who are not so able-bodied. No buses dropping them off in the heart of the city anymore and very little disabled parking.”
Sb-313 adds: “There is more than enough parking. People need to move on with the same arguments over and over again. This obsession that everyone must go everywhere in a car is so annoying.”
Derbyborn60 disagrees: “I don`t think there are enough car parking sites in Derby, If there was then there would be less on-street parking, blocking roads for emergency vehicles, delivery trucks, Bin collection trucks etc. Stop closing car parks and building houses on them!”
Cla55 complains: “Never mind it all ‘forms part of the consultation process in relation to wider strategies’, ‘make your sustainable low Carbon journey enjoying the freezing cold and rain!’ ‘We thank you for making green choices and contributing to net zero’ whilst they flog off the existing spaces to property developers!”
Bobterry asks: “Well how many car park spaces were there in 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020 & 2025? What is the trend? The council has to be transparent otherwise people just assume it is intentionally being anti-car, anti-shop owner, anti-shopper because that seems to be the practical implication of most of its policies.”
Shiftworker adds: “Judging by the amount of footfall in the city centre these days, we won't need a lot of car parking places.”
How do you feel about the parking in Derby City Centre? Does it encourage you to spend the day in the city? Have your say in our comments section.