How to survive a nuclear war the British way: pack a tin opener, loo rolls and jam

An image of radiation dust falling on to a house in Protect and Survive, a 1980 British government booklet - IWM
An image of radiation dust falling on to a house in Protect and Survive, a 1980 British government booklet - IWM

Stock up on loo roll, pack a tin opener and torch, and don’t forget a warm coat. Not a list of supplies for your next camping trip, but the British government’s advice on what to do in the event of a nuclear war.

If you live in a bungalow, move out (all that radioactive material on the roof will be a bit close for comfort). You need to maintain a varied diet, so stock up on jam and cereal for your breakfast. And make sure your fall-out room is equipped with a dustpan and brush.

The practical instructions featured in Protect and Survive, a pamphlet produced in 1980 when fears of a nuclear strike by the Soviet Union were high.

protect and survive - Credit: IWM
The government planned to distribute copies of the pamphlet to every household in Britain Credit: IWM

Every household in Britain was to be issued with the booklet if war looked imminent. The matter-of-fact explanations are chilling. Advice on packing toys to entertain the kids while holed up in a bunker is followed by details of how to dispose of a body.

A small number of the pamphlets were made available to buy in 1980 for those who wanted to plan for the worst, but there were few takers. The Imperial War Museum is now reissuing Protect and Survive to mark its new exhibition, People Power: Fighting for Peace, which runs from March 23 - August 28.

The booklet is divided into sections telling people what to do before and after a blast. According to Prof Jim Smith of Portsmouth University, author of Chernobyl: Catastrophe and Consequences, advice issued today would be broadly similar.

protect and survive - Credit: IWM
People were instructed to build a shelter within a fall-out room in order to shelter from the blast Credit: IWM

Build a fall-out room

You may need to live in this room for 14 days after an attack. Choose the place furthest from the outside walls and from the roof.

Block up the windows with bricks, concrete, timber, furniture or books.

If you live in a flat, don't shelter in the top floors. If you live in a bungalow, arrange to move in with someone who has a two-storey home.

Build an inner refuge inside your fall-out room

You must stay in this for last least two days and nights after an attack, when radiation dangers could be critical.

Hide under the table, make a 'lean-to' out of doors or use the cupboard under the stairs. Surround them with heavy furniture filled with sand, earth, books or clothing.

Protect and Survive - Credit: IWM
The booklet contained a list of foodstuffs that should be stockpiled Credit: IWM

Food and drink

You will need 3.5 gallons of water per person to last 14 days. Stock twice as much as this, as you will also need it for washing. You cannot remove radiation from water by boiling it.

Provide variety in your diet. Stock sugar, jams, cereal, biscuits, meat, vegetables, fruit and fruit juices. Children and babies will need tinned or powdered milk. Eat perishable items first.


Take a radio. Keep the aerial pushed in. Listen out for instructions on what to do after the attack.

Survival kit

Pack a tin opener, bottle opener, cutlery, crockery, bedding, sleeping bags, portable stove and fuel, saucepans, torch, batteries, candles, matches, toilet rolls, bucket and plastic bags to use as a makeshift toilet, disinfectant, a first aid kit, dishcloths, notebook and pencils for messages, rubber gloves, dustpan and brush, toys and magazines, a clock and a calendar.

protect and survive - Credit: IWM
The booklet was produced in 1980, when fears of a war with the Soviet Union were high Credit: IWM

Limit fire hazards

Clear out old newspapers, remove net curtains (but leave heavy ones as these can protect against flying glass), keep buckets of water ready on each floor.

Paint the inside of your windows with diluted, light-coloured emulsion paint to reflect away the heat flash.

After an attack

There will be a short period before fall-out starts to descend. Go around the house putting out any small fires. If anyone's clothing catches fire, lay them on the floor and roll them in a blanket, rug or thick coat. Save clean water from lavatories. If there is time, help neighbours in need.

Retreat to your fall-out room and DO NOT GO OUTSIDE until the radio tells you it is safe to do so.


You may have casualties from an attack who you will have to care for, perhaps for some days, without medical help. Be sure to have a first aid kit.

If a death occurs, place the body in another room and cover it as securely as possible. If no instructions have been given within five days, you should temporarily bury the body as soon as it is safe to go outside. Mark the spot.

On hearing the all-clear

There is no longer an immediate danger and you may resume normal activities.

protect and survive - Credit: IWM
The booklet advised people what to do before, during and after a nuclear attack Credit: IWM

Prof Smith, professor of environmental science at Portsmouth University and author of Chernobyl: Catastrophe and Consequences, said the only advice to have dated is the inclusion of a radio and a notebook as the main means of communication.

“The fundamentals would be basically the same but of course some things would be different. We all now have mobile phones and the internet, so current advice would have to take account of impacts on modern communications systems.”

Would this advice save your life? “Obviously, for many, this advice would be futile,” said Prof Smith. “But if you survived the initial explosion and subsequent fires, it would help you survive the key early period where dose rates from radioactive fallout are particularly high. After a couple of weeks, there would still be longer-lived radioactivity, but the risks would be much lower.

“I’m sure the writers also considered the impact of the advice in helping people feel they were doing something to save themselves and their families, so perhaps reducing the inevitable panic. Keeping people in their houses was probably a key aim."