Liberal Democrat

  • NewsYahoo News UK

    Breasts, flies and fish fingers: These are the funniest moments from election night

    While it might not seem like it to Theresa May, there’s actually been comedy aplenty from our politicians these past 24 hours. Like that awkward moment when Jeremy Corbyn went in for a jubilant high five in front of the full glare of the world’s media and found himself patting a colleague’s breast by mistake. This was the comedy that befell the Labour leader as he attempted to celebrate his success in Islington North with Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry.

  • NewsYahoo News UK

    Tim Farron confronted by LBC caller whose brother died from cannabis over plans to legalise the drug

    Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron has been confronted by a bereaved woman who said his party’s plans to legalise cannabis have lost him her vote. Mr Farron was forced to defend his position on the legalisation of the drug during an appearance on LBC radio’s ‘Leaders Live’.

  • NewsYahoo News UK

    Regrexit: Majority say Britain was wrong to vote to leave the EU

    The tide could be turning against Brexit: for the first time since the referendum, more people have said Britain was wrong to vote to leave the EU. In a poll by YouGov for the Times newspaper, 45% of respondents said Britain was wrong to vote out. 43% said Britain was right to leave, while 12% answered ‘don’t know’.

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