
  • NewsYahoo News Video

    WATCH: Protests against Russia's invasion of Ukraine erupt around the world

    In the days since Russia's invasion of Ukraine early last Thursday morning, protests have erupted around the world against Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to launch a deadly war. As video of the demonstrations spreads across social media, Yahoo News has compiled a selection of the most striking footage from all corners of the globe — including antiwar activism from within Russia itself.

  • ScienceYahoo News Video

    What is COP26 and how will it affect the future of climate change?

    What event could bring together the Queen of England, President Biden and Greta Thunberg? The climate change conference known as COP26, being held in Glasgow, Scotland. The U.N. climate summit, which will take place this November, is widely regarded as the planet’s last best chance at keeping global warming below the levels that scientists warn will have catastrophic consequences for life on earth. Yahoo News explains everything you need to know about COP26 before the proceedings kick off.

  • PoliticsYahoo News Video

    Biden at U.N.: 'For the first time in 20 years' the U.S. is not at war

    On Tuesday, President Biden addressed the United Nations General Assembly in a speech that addressed "the greatest challenges of our time," including COVID-19, climate change and armed conflict. "I stand here today, for the first time in 20 years, with the U.S. not at war," the president told delegates, "all the unmatched strength, energy and commitment, will and resources of our nation are now fully and squarely focused on what's ahead of us."

  • ScienceYahoo News Video

    Why wildfires could be more extreme in the future

    A damning report on the state of climate change was released by the U.N. on Monday. It came as wildfires raged across parts of the U.S., Russia, Greece and Turkey. Climate scientist Richard Allan, a lead author of the report, told Yahoo News that fires and other extreme weather events could become more intense if global warming is not tackled effectively.

  • NewsYahoo News UK

    Royal warning that coronavirus pandemic is putting women at greater risk of sexual violence

    Sophie, the Countess of Wessex, addressed a virtual UN and said there should be a survivor centred approach to sexual violence in conflict zones.

    3-min read
  • NewsYahoo News Video

    South African police arrest foreigners protesting at U.N. site

    Police in the South African city of Cape Town used water cannons Wednesday while dispersing and arresting hundreds of foreigners, including children, who have camped for weeks outside the U.N. refugee agency's office.

  • ScienceYahoo News Video

    'How dare you': Greta Thunberg tears into world leaders over inaction at U.N. climate summit

    In an angry and emotional speech at the United Nations climate summit on Monday, Swedish teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg tore into world leaders for failing to act.

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