Amnesty International

  • NewsPA Media: World News

    Saudi Arabia ends death penalty for minors

    The decision follows another ordering judges to end the practice of flogging in the kingdom.

    2-min read
  • NewsYahoo News UK

    Gay sex to be punishable by death in Brunei from beginning of April

    Amnesty International described the move as “cruel and inhuman”.

  • NewsYahoo News UK

    What is ‘legal’ torture and how many countries still use it?

    Donald Trump has provoked new fury by seeming to suggest that there are times when torture should legitimately be used against prisoners. The treaty aims to prevent torture and other acts of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment around the world, as well as forbidding states to transport people to other parts of the world if they believe they will be tortured.However, a 2014 report by Amnesty International claims that there are still as many as 141 countries that still torture ci

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