
  • NewsYahoo News UK

    British schoolboys caught stealing items from Auschwitz fined £400

    Two British schoolboys who were caught stealing buttons and pieces of metal and glass from Auschwitz have been fined £400. Marcus Dell and Ben Thompson, who are both from Hertfordshire, were ordered to pay the fine, along with a further £1,250 each to be donated to the Memorial Foundation for the victims of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The pair, who were 17 at the time of the offence, were caught stealing the items from the Nazi death camp during a visit with the prestigious Perse School in 2015.

  • NewsAnthony Pearce's Blog

    Virtual reality Auschwitz is helping Germany catch the last Nazi war criminals

    Virtual reality is being employed to map out the Auschwitz concentration camps in annexed Poland, where at least 1.1 million prisoners died, around 90 percent of them Jewish. “To my knowledge, there is no more exact model of Auschwitz,” Breker said.


    British Schoolboys To Face Trial After Stealing Artefacts From Auschwitz

    Two British schoolboys are to face trial after they were accused of stealing historical artefacts from the Auschwitz death camp during a school trip. The two boys, from the Independent Perse School in Cambridge, were allegedly seen by guards picking up fragments of a spoon and buttons from the ground.

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