Ben Elton

  • EntertainmentYahoo TV UK

    Ben Elton scotches Blackadder reunion rumours

    Sorry, there are no cunning plans to resurrect Blackadder any time soon.

    2-min read
  • EntertainmentYahoo Celebrity UK

    Sir Tony Robinson casts doubt on those 'Blackadder' reunion rumours

    'Blackadder' to return? That’s gobbleijuke!

  • NewsJaye Nolan, TV Blogger

    Upstart Crow: Star Crossed Sitcom

    There’s no getting away from it, though, there are definite shades of the Elizabethan Edmund in David Mitchell’s Will Shakespeare, and a supporting cast that put me to mind of Melchett, Flashheart, Percy and Baldrick - although Bottom is far less gross than Tony Robinson’s put upon servant - and far cleverer too. It felt like a welcome return of old friends, with a rich source of material for Elton to plunder plus modern aspects of family life thrown in (a very down to earth family homestead tr

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