Kyle Maclachlan

  • LifestyleYahoo News UK

    Lockdown Legends: How Ray Winstone and Kyle MacLachlan are helping to feed hungry UK children

    Barrie Knight is hosting nights in on his You Tube in order to help feed those affected by the pandemic.

    3-min read
  • NewsMike P Williams, TV Blogger

    I watched Twin Peaks for the first time & was the weirdest experience of my life

    At 31 years of age and being a fan of pop culture and of legendary director David Lynch, one might be forgiven for presuming I’d seen or at least be aware of the early ‘90s TV show ‘Twin Peaks’. Weirdly, mainly because I genuinely didn’t know anything about the show, my only idea of the its contents was along the lines of  well, it’’s David Lynch so it’s going to be weird. In my head, and from what had been hinted to me by various friends, I anticipated a murder mystery that would spend season

  • NewsA. Thomson, TV Blogger

    Twin Peaks: Top 10 Agent Cooper Quotes

    Over the limited run of Twin Peaks, FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper provided us with a plethora of memorable lines. Everything from the highly intellectual to the inane, Cooper kept us interested in every word that he was saying. Counting down to the time when viewers can return to the sleepy Washington town that is full of secrets in 2017, it is time to examine some of the many gems that have been thrown out there by Coop over the initial run of the series.

  • NewsA. Thomson, TV Blogger

    Twin Peaks: Agent Cooper, A Hero For All Times

    Played perfectly by Kyle MacLachlan, Agent Cooper quickly became a TV favorite in the early 1990s. Coop held the best interests of others at heart, and due to past incidences in his life, he would never put others in harm’s way. Enjoying a deeper philosophical understanding of the world around him, it was the randomness and the musings brought to us by Coop that has made him impossibly endearing.

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