
  • NewsYahoo News UK

    Have you received an unwanted parcel? Here's why you should be worried

    The packages often contain cheap, low-value items like magnetic eyelashes, pet toys, iPhone cases or frisbees - which people have not bought.

    3-min read
  • NewsYahoo News UK

    Warning of 'sophisticated' phishing attacks targeting tax returns - here's how to spot them

    Hackers have created a fake version of the GOV.UK website - and are luring victims to fake pages for tax returns and cost-of-living support.

    3-min read
  • NewsYahoo News UK

    Martin Lewis warns against fake adverts using his face - 'Dirty money'

    Personal finance guru Martin Lewis has been dealing with fake adverts using his face for years, and accuses Elon Musk's X of not taking action to stop them.

    4-min read
  • NewsYahoo News UK

    The picture that shows what a coronavirus scam looks like

    The badly-worded email says the government has announced a “new tax refund programme” to deal with the outbreak.

    2-min read
  • NewsYahoo News UK

    Brazen 'cash for crash scam' caught in bizarre dashcam footage

    Dascham footage shows an anonymous driver coming to a stop when he saw the man stumbling in the road in Sutton-on-Ashfield.

  • NewsAssociated Press

    Philippine police arrest over 500 mostly Chinese for fraud

    Philippine police and immigration authorities said they have arrested more than 500 illegally working foreigners, mostly Chinese involved in telecommunications and investment scams, in one of the biggest such mass arrests this year. The 542 foreigners, who were arrested Wednesday night in a raid on their company premises in metropolitan Manila, did not have work permits and were involved in defrauding victims mostly in China by blackmailing or tricking them into sending out money, said Immigrat

  • NewsYahoo News Video

    Now I Get It: What are smishing scams?

    You may have heard of phishing emails, which are meant to lure users to surrender personal or financial information by claiming to be from the government, a bank or some other reputable company. The ultimate goal for scammers is to steal someone’s identity, so many cybercriminals are moving to a new form of technology and trying to scam people through SMS text messaging, a method called smishing. Here are what smishing scams can look like and some tips for your self-defense.

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