The three schools around Bristol rated ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted
There are many factors that can influence which school you decide to send your child to. Whether it is for nursery, primary or secondary school education, the right school can change a child’s life for the better.
One way to decide the best school is by looking at Ofsted reports. The regulatory body will visit a school for either a graded or an ungraded inspection, usually over two days, and one of four grades are issued: ‘Outstanding’, ‘Good’, ‘Requires Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’.
Across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire, 28 schools are listed as receiving the highest grade by Ofsted. The vast majority of these schools are based in primary education, but nurseries, special schools and a secondary school make the elite list.
The fringe of Bristol, made up of areas of South Gloucestershire, currently has three schools which are graded ‘Outstanding’. All three schools are located within the East Fringe and cater to pupils at a primary school level.
Read more about other 'Outstanding' schools here:
There were no schools in the North Fringe with the highest Ofsted rating. All the schools are under the South Gloucestershire Local Authority according to Ofsted’s website.
Beacon Rise Primary School - ‘Outstanding’ since March 13, 2012
Beacon Rise Primary has been given the highest grading for more than 12 years as “pupils flourish” and “have a thirst to learn”. The primary in Kingswood was last inspected in December 2023, marking the second inspection which earned the highest honour.
The behaviour and attitude of the pupils was praised by Ofsted, who said: “Pupils are immensely proud of their school, they attend regularly and are punctual. Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary - they are polite and well mannered - and they demonstrate high levels of care and consideration for each other.”
The report praised the staff at the school for tailoring learning to each individual pupil, of which 620 are on the school roll. Reading is prioritised and “threaded into every subject” alongside a “highly ambitious” curriculum.
The school sets high expectations for pupils which are matched, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Ofsted said: “Staff know pupils’ needs well and carefully consider the support they require.
“The school works with external agencies to provide this support. Consequently, pupils with SEND make strong progress throughout the curriculum and participate fully in school life.”
The staff and governors at the school were also praised, the report noted that governors provide highly effective support and that staff are knowledgeable and dedicated to pupils and their families in the community.
Bromley Heath Infants - ‘Outstanding’ since January 17, 2023
Bromley Heath Infants is the most recent ‘Outstanding’ recipient in the Bristol Fringe as Ofsted called the leaders “inspirational”. The school in Downend, which works alongside the junior school counterpart, provides education for 180 pupils between the ages of four and seven.
The school was graded as ‘Good’ in the previous graded inspection in 2015. Inspectors were left praising pupils and staff at the infants where pupils “show respect for one another at all times” and staff ensures “every pupil gets the very best education possible”.
Ofsted said: “Bromley Heath’s motto ‘be the best you can be’ is visible in every aspect of school life. Pupils learn exceptionally well from the moment they start school and consistently rise to the high expectations that adults have of them.
“The curriculum is designed to give all pupils the knowledge, values and life skills they need to be successful in the future. Subject knowledge is well sequenced so that pupils secure good subject-specific knowledge and vocabulary.
“Staff working in the early years are passionate and knowledgeable about how the very youngest children learn well. Excellent relationships with parents mean that parents feel well supported in helping their child at home. Children learn exceptionally well in the early years because adults establish a purposeful learning environment.”
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Bromley Heath Juniors - ‘Outstanding’ since March 12, 2015
Bromley Heath Juniors is graded as one of the very best schools alongside the infants. Also located at Quakers Road, in Downend, the school has not been inspected since 2015.
Inspectors rated it as ‘Outstanding’ across the board, praising the achievements and behaviour of pupils. The educational establishment caters for pupils aged between seven and eleven.
The attainment of pupils at the end of Year 6 was “significantly above the national averages for a number of years” in SATs exams. In particular, pupils’ achievements in mathematics were noted as a success.
The report said: “The quality of teaching is excellent and enables all groups of pupils to make very good progress from their individual starting points. The rate of progress pupils make is on a steady upwards trajectory.
“The behaviour of the pupils is impeccable. They work very hard in lessons and this level of effort has a very positive impact on their learning. Pupils say they feel very safe in school and parents echo the view that pupils are very well cared for while in school.”
Staff were praised for maintaining high standards across the curriculum and as a result, underperformance is dealt with quickly. Ofsted added: “The subject knowledge of teachers in a wide range of subjects is very good, for example in French. In a Year 6 lesson, pupils were able to build on their previous learning through practising their language skills before moving on to translating an extended piece of written work.”
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