Tim Peake Dials Wrong Number From Space

Tim Peake Dials Wrong Number From Space

British astronaut Tim Peake gave an unsuspecting woman a shock after dialling the wrong number and saying: "Hello, is this planet Earth?"

Major Peake, who is spending six months on the International Space Station, has apologised and insisted it was not a prank call.

After the gaffe he tweeted: "I'd like to apologise to the lady I just called by mistake saying 'Hello, is this planet Earth?' - not a prank call ... just a wrong number!"

Britons were offered a glimpse of the ISS as it soared 250 miles above the Earth.

From southern England, it appeared in the West at about 4.24pm on Christmas Day.

Robin Scagell, vice-president of the Society for Popular Astronomy, said: "The space station's maximum elevation will be about 23 degrees viewed from London, which is just above the rooftops.

"It will be the brightest star in the sky, moving rapidly from west to east.

"You might think it's a plane to start with, but you'd hear the engine noise of an aircraft that close and of course the space station is silent.

"So we'll be able to see a different object flying over the rooftops on Christmas Day."

A full moon is also making an appearance - the first time it has happened on Christmas Day in 38 years.