Time running out to claim £1,000,000 lottery jackpot from ticket purchased in Lambeth

The prize has to be claimed in just over a month before the prize money will lost and invested in National Lottery projects across the UK

Time is running out to claim a EuroMillions lottery jackpot worth £1 million after the ticket with the winning numbers was bought in Lambeth. The number was drawn on Tuesday, September 9, 2024, but has remained unclaimed for over five months.

The lucky winner needs to come forward soon to claim the million-pound prize, The National Lottery said. The final date the ticket will still be valid is Sunday, March 2, just over a month away.

The winning numbers for the ticket are MMVJ92833.

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The general rule for the unclaimed lottery prizes is that if a valid claim is not submitted within 180 days (around 6 months) of the draw date, the winner can no longer claim the prize. The prize money itself and any interest earned on it will go to benefit National Lottery Projects across the UK.

How to claim the prize

If you are the lucky winner and own the ticket with the winning numbers, you can start your claim online. You have to follow this link to the National Lottery Website and fill out a form.

If you bought the ticket online, select the 'Online' button, then click 'Draw game' then the 'Over £50,000' button. It will then prompt you to call 0333 234 44 33.

If you bought the ticket in a retail store you go through the same options after clicking the 'Retail' button which will the prompt you to call 0333 234 50 50.


These phone lines are open from 9am to 8pm Monday to Saturday and 9am to 5pm Sunday. Opening hours may vary on bank holidays.

To actually collect your prize once your claim has been verified, you will need to do this in person.

Did you have the ticket but it's been lost, damaged or stolen?

If you believe you had the winning ticket but you lost it, or its been damaged or stolen, then there is still a way to claim the prize. Sadly for this particular one, this deadline may have already passed.

The National Lottery said that you must notify them by 5pm on the 30th day after the date of the relevant draw, which in this case has sadly passed. If you want to give it try anyway, you can download a Lost, Stolen, Destroyed or Damaged Ticket Search form, and email the completed form to lostticketnotice@national-lottery.co.uk.

Good luck!

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