The Traitors Recap: Was Peter Seduced to the Dark Side? Plus, Alan Drops a Huge Twist!
With Dan out of the picture and the traitors given another fateful decision to make, Parvati and Phaedra elected to make Peter an offer to join them. But did he?
When this week’s episode of The Traitors begins, Alan returns to the turret with some bad news: Peter has rejected their offer. Phaedra doesn’t mince words, telling Parvati that breakfast is “gonna be your last meal.” And she’s not wrong! Parvati’s got some work to do if she wants to escape banishment.
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Peter doesn’t cop to the recruitment offer at breakfast, but later, he fills in Kevin, John, Bergie and Trishelle. He obviously still wants to take Parvati out ASAP, but Trishelle thinks that Dan called out a traitor when he went after Phaedra. But while the “Peter Pals” (thanks for that, Phaedra) hold a private meeting, Sandra rallies “The Leftovers” and crunches some numbers. After realizing that their numbers will be too small following another round of murdering and banishing, Sandra’s crew comes to the conclusion that they’ve got to band together and banish Peter from the game — plot twist!
MISSION | Sometimes the missions on this show don’t quite hit, but this one is a hoot to watch! The players take part in a trivia game that takes place in the castle’s woods, which are filled with mud pits and cargo nets waiting to punish them for wrong answers. Unfortunately, only two pairs make it through the gauntlet: Sandra and Kevin, and Parvati and John. The team banks only $8,000, but Kevin and Sandra earn shields for getting through the forest the fastest.
THE BANISHMENT IS BANISHED | Alan asks the players to meet him outside by the river in the dead of night. When they arrive, he makes one major announcement: There will be no roundtable or banishment! (HUH!?) But: The group must decide which players will be up for murder, while the rest will be safe from the traitors’ grasp. Since Kevin and Sandra both hold shields, they elect to save Shereé. She then protects Phaedra, who turns around and saves CT. CT is torn between his friend (Trishelle) and the game; he opts to listen to his gamer gut and picks John, who then gets to make the final choice… Peter.
So with Peter (and many others) off the table, who do Parvati and Phaedra pick to MURRRDERRR this time? Tune in next week to find out!
Were you disappointed that CT didn’t save Trishelle? Is she the one who’s going to get knocked off? Drop some comments below!
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